Why when I put a E7#11 chord symbole I obtain E7 11(natural) ? #dorico

Why when I put a E7#11 chord symbole I obtain E7 11(natural) ?
If I put E7b9#11 it’s the same.
Also for E7b9+11 it’s the same.
Police Finale, but it’s the same thing with an other police
I’m very new on Dorico.

Finale Jazz is not fully compatible with Dorico as it is missing many glyphs, including the small suffix accidentals. (It’s obviously a MakeMusic font, not a Steinberg font.) If you switch the font to Petaluma, or one of Norfont’s, then it should be fine. I think if you set the Engraving Options / Chord Symbols scaling factor to 76% or higher, then it will invoke the larger glyph, and you’ll correctly get a sharp, but there may be other areas where Finale Jazz isn’t compatible as well. Personally, I would avoid using an incompatible font.


Dear FredGUnn,
Thank you very much for your answer.
Yes that was resoled by changing the scale factor !
For the moment I keep this font because I like it and all is ok for the moment. But I keep your answer in my mind and I will change the font if another mistake will occur.


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