[WIKI] All Key Commands in Cubase 11.0.41

Commands: Edit

Part One

Command Default Key Function My Rating Link
Acoustic Feedback On/Off Toggles Acoustic Feedback On/Off. When on, selecting or inserting a single event will make sound. When off, the instrument will not play when you insert new notes, or select them. It will only make a sound when you press start from the transport. 3 Key Editor Toolbar
Activate Next Part When you have multiple Parts selected, all are visible in the editor, but the active part, the one that is being edited, is in the foreground, while the inactive ones stay grayed out in the background. This command will allow you to activate the next part, and bring it to the foreground. 7 Handling Several Parts
Activate Previous Part When you have multiple Parts selected, all are visible in the editor, but the active part, the one that is being edited, is in the foreground, while the inactive ones stay grayed out in the background. This command will allow you to activate the previous part, and bring it to the foreground. 7 Handling Several Parts
Activate/Deactivate Focused Object Alt A Multifunctional key. Activates/Deactivates whatever can be activated/deactivated when it’s focused. Note: Works on headers (Inserts, Sends, EQ, Strip) to bypass them. Works on specific controls that have focus, e.g. an equalizer band. I suspect there are a million other places where this works, but getting keyboard focus to test it out is tough. 10
Apply Click Pattern to Equal Signatures This command will apply your click pattern to the same signature. If you have many instances of the same time signature (e.g. 3/4, you can modify the click for one of those 3/4 changes, and then give the command to have the click pattern apply to all 3/4 changes. 7 Signature Track Controls
Auto Select Events under Cursor When you give this command, the Preference Auto Select Events under Cursor is Activated/Deactivated. This command will not select events by itself. Note: This is a preference switch command. 4 Editing
Auto-Scroll On/Off F Activates/Deactivates automatic scroll of the project window. 10 Auto-Scroll Settings Menu
Automation Follows Events Activates/Deactivates the preference Automation Follows Events. When Activated, if you move an event around, its automation (if it exists) will follow the event around too. Note: This is a preference switch command. 4 Editing
Clean Up Lanes This command will re-arrange events on lanes and remove lanes, so that that the minimum required amount of lanes are kept for the events on a lane not to overlap. 5 Assembling a Perfect Take
Click Pattern to Default This command will remove all custom metronome patterns, and reset them to the default patterns. Note: In Signature Track’s arrow menu, it is Reset Click Patterns to Default. 3 Signature Track Controls
Convert to Real Copy When we have a shared copy selected, this command will convert it to a Real Copy. Opinion: The name of the command could be “Convert Shared Copy to Real Copy” for better clarity. 5 Shared Copies
Copy Ctrl C Copies! 10 Cut, Copy, and Paste of Selection Ranges
Copy A <-> B Setting Copies setting A to B and setting B to A for the equalizer. No other strip plug-ins seem to respond to this command.Opinion: Equalizer should be mentioned in the command’s name, and this command should be under Commands: Channel Settings.* 3 Fine-Tuning Effect Settings
Copy Click Pattern to Clipboard As it says. Copies the Click Pattern to Clipboard, so that later you can Paste to Selected Signatures 3 Signature Track Controls
Create Tracks from Lanes As it says. Creates tracks from the existing lanes of an audio track. 3 Assembling a Perfect Take
Crop Range Crops the events to the selected range. Love it! 10 Adjusting the Size of Selection Ranges
Cut Ctrl X Removes selection, copies it to the clipboard for later pasting. 10 Cut, Copy, and Paste of Selection Ranges
Cut Head Select part of an event with the range tool. Give the command. Observe how “the head” (what’s left of the starting point of the range) is removed. Excellent! Note: This isn’t a “Cut” and then paste command. It’s actually a macro that Splits at the start of the range selection, and then deletes the event on the left side of the split. 10 Using Cut Head and Cut Tail
Cut Tail Select part of an event with the range tool. Give the command. Observe how “the tail” (what’s right of the ending point of the range) is removed. Excellent! Note: This isn’t a “Cut” and then paste command. It’s actually a macro that Splits at the end of the range selection, and then deletes the event on the right side of the split. 10 Using Cut Head and Cut Tail
Cut Time Ctrl Shift X This command will cut (with the option to paste later) pure time. For example: If you have events ranging from to and you make a range selection from to and then give the command, you’ll see how the contents of the range are gone, and what at first started at has now been moved to It’s as if time… has been cut. 10 Cut, Copy, and Paste of Selection Ranges
Deactivate All Mute States This command deactivates all pressed mute buttons. Note: This command will not work on Automation mutes. 4 Using Solo and Mute
Deactivate All Solo States This command deactivates all pressed solo buttons 4 Using Solo and Mute
Delete Del ; Backspace Deletes 10 Deleting Data in Selection Ranges
Delete Time Shift Backspace Deletes Time. Select a range. Issue the command. See how everything to the right of the end of the range has been moved to the start of the range. Remember: If you want to Paste this Time afterwards, use Cut Time (Ctrl Shift X) 10 Deleting Data in Selection Ranges
Duplicate Ctrl D Duplicates the current selection by copying and pasting at the end of the whole selection. 10 Duplicating Events
Edit Active Part Only When we have many parts selected and we open an editor, all those parts will show in the editor. The active part is in the foreground, the rest in the background. However, if we click purposefully on an event in the background, the part that contains this event becomes active. If you don’t like this behavior, use this command so that you edit the active part only. 4 Handling Several Parts
Edit Channel Settings Alt Shift E Brings up the Channel Settings window 10 Track Controls
Edit Info Line Double clicks on the first field on the Info Line, and readies the cursor for immediate keyboard input. Hop between fields with Tab and Shift Tab, but Note: You can cycle through the fields with Tab, but not with Shift Tab. Tab will return to the first field after having reached the last, but Shift Tab will not go to the last field after having reached the first. 5 Info Line
Edit VST Instrument Brings up the connected VST instrument’s GUI. Note: Works for midi channels too! As long as the output of the midi track is connected of course. 5 Instrument Track Inspector
Enlarge Range to Next Event Enlarges Range to Next Event. If you experience weird selection choices, that is because you have a track selected, and the range is being enlarged up to the next event in THAT track. 7 Select Menu for Selection Ranges
Enlarge Range to Previous Event Enlarges Range to Previous Event. If you experience weird selection choices, that is because you have a track selected, and the range is being enlarged up to the previous event in THAT track. 7 Select Menu for Selection Ranges
Enlarge Selected Track Activates/Deactivates Preference Enlarge Selected Track. When Active, the currently selected track will be bigger than the others. Note: This is a preference switch command. 1 Editing - Project & MixConsole
Equal Pitch - all Octaves Select a note, say a D. Give the command. Observe how all Ds have been selected, in all octaves. 5 Select Menu
Equal Pitch - same Octave Select a note, say a D. Give the command. Observe how all Ds have been selected, in the same octave. Tip: You can Ctrl Click a key on the vertical keyboard of the Key Editor and achieve the same thing. 2 Select Menu
Expand/Reduce Alt E Expands/Reduces the racks of the Mixconsole. Rant: Getting the focus to where you want it with a keyboard is semi-impossible, so expanding and reducing a rack isn’t that impressive. 0
Fill Loop Make a selection of parts(midi) and events(audio). Set a Loop (Left Locator to 9, right locator to 17). Give the command. Observe how the loop is neatly filled with the events/parts. 8 Fill Loop
Find Track/Channel Ctrl F Brings up a search list so that you can find channels 10 Finding Channels
Global Copy Copies everything between the left and right locator. 8 Cut, Copy, and Paste of Selection Ranges
Glue Does like the glue tool. Note: This is NOT the tool, this is the action performed by the tool. It is instant. It would be more useful if it kept things selected after gluing. I’d then give it an 8 at least. 2 Gluing Events
Grid Type: Adapt to Zoom Switches the project window’s grid type to “Adapt to Zoom”. Note: Works for the key editor too. Mind which window has focus. 7 Grid Type Menu
Grid Type: Bar Switches the project window’s grid type to “Bar” 4 Grid Type Menu
Grid Type: Beat Switches the project window’s grid type to “Beat” 4 Grid Type Menu
Grid Type: Use Quantize Switches the project window’s grid type to “Use Quantize”. Note: Works for the key editor too. Mind which window has focus. 7 Grid Type Menu
Group Ctrl G Groups the selected parts/events together. From then on, whatever you do on one of them applies to all of them. Select one, all are selected. Adjust a fade, all get the same fade. Split one, all split at the same position. Note: A symbol appears on the parts/events that are grouped. 10 Grouping Events
Group Editing on Selected Tracks On/Off K Activates/Deactivates Group Editing on the selected Folder track. Opinion: Folder should be mentioned in the name of the command for clarity. 10
History Brings up the Undo/Redo History window 5 Edit History Dialog
Insert Bars Brings up the Process Bars Panel, in which we can insert, delete, reinterpret and replace bars 5 Process Bars Dialog
Insert Silence Ctrl Shift E Inserts silence at the defined range. Note: INSERTS silence. Any events caught in the range will be moved to after the end of the range when silence is insert. Also works with loop (left and right locators) if no range is selected. 10 Inserting Silence
Invert Alt F None. Note: Invert selection is what it should be. See below. 0
Invert Selection Inverts selection. Select something, give the command, everything else will be selected, except the things you had selected first. Note: “Edit > Select > Invert is the function. A key command is assigned to ““Invert”” (Alt F). This however does nothing. On the other hand, when (Alt F) is assigned to ““Invert Selection””, the keycommand will happily show next to Edit > Select > Invert” 10 Select Menu for Selection Ranges
Key Commands Opens up the Key Commands window 10 Key Commands Dialog
Left Selection Side to Cursor E As it says. Makes the left side of the range go to where the cursor currently is. 10 Select Menu for Selection Ranges
Listen Pushes listen on selected track. 8 Listen Mode
Lock Ctrl Shift L Locks selected event/part. 10 Lock Event Attributes Dialog
Lock/Unlock Track Locks/Unlocks selected track(s). Opinion: Should include the (s) in the name to reflect the fact that it works with many tracks too. 5 Track Controls
Monitor Ctrl Alt M Activates/Deactivates monitor for the selected track(s) 10 Track Controls