Activate Record Enable for All Audio Tracks |
As it says. Record enables all audio tracks. |
8 |
Record Enabling Tracks |
Add Track To Selected: FX Channel |
Brings up the Add Track dialog, ready to create an FX track. The selected tracks upon which the command was given will use their next available send to connect to this FX track. |
10 |
Adding FX Channels to Selected Channels |
Add Track To Selected: Group Channel |
Brings up the Add Track dialog, ready to create a Group track. The selected tracks upon which the command was given will have their outputs routed to this Group track. |
10 |
Adding Group Channels to Selected Channels |
Add Track To Selected: VCA Fader |
Brings up the Add Track dialog, ready to create a VCA Fader track. The selected tracks upon which the command was given will have their faders connected to this VCA Fader. |
10 |
Creating VCA Faders for a Selection of Channels |
Bypass: Channel Strip |
Bypasses the Channel Strip (except EQ) everywhere in the MixConsole. |
7 |
MixConsole Toolbar |
Bypass: Channel Strip on Main Mix |
Bypasses the Channel Strip (except EQ) just on the Main Mix. |
8 |
MixConsole Toolbar |
Bypass: EQs |
Bypasses the EQ section everywhere in the MixConsole. |
7 |
MixConsole Toolbar |
Bypass: EQs on Main Mix |
Bypasses the EQ section just on the Main Mix. |
8 |
MixConsole Toolbar |
Bypass: Inserts |
Bypasses the Insert section everywhere in the MixConsole. |
7 |
MixConsole Toolbar |
Bypass: Inserts on Main Mix |
Bypasses the Insert section just on the Main Mix. |
8 |
MixConsole Toolbar |
"New in 11!"Bypass: Sends |
Bypasses the Sends section everywhere in the MixConsole. |
7 |
MixConsole Toolbar |
Deactivate Record Enable for All Audio Tracks |
As it says. Record disables all audio tracks. |
8 |
Record Enabling Tracks |
Direct Routing: Summing Mode On/Off |
Toggles Summing Mode On/Off |
6 |
Functions Menu |
"New in 11!"Edit Channel Panner for selected |
Brings up a big panner for the selected track. |
5 |
Edit Channel Settings for selected |
Brings up the Channel Settings window. Note: Between this command, and Edit>Edit Channel Settings, IF there are any differences, I am not aware of them.
10 |
Channel Settings |
EQ/Filter Transition: Quick |
Changes EQ/Filter behavior to quick. |
6 |
Functions Menu |
EQ/Filter Transition: Soft |
Changes EQ/Filter behavior to soft. |
6 |
Functions Menu |
Expand: Channel Strip |
Function: Expands/Reduces the Channel Strip section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: Cue Sends |
Expands/Reduces the Cue Sends section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: Device Panels |
Expands/Reduces the Device Panels section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: Direct Routing |
Expands/Reduces the Direct Routing section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: EQs |
Expands/Reduces the EQ section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: Filters/Gain |
Expands/Reduces the PRE section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: Inserts |
Expands/Reduces the Inserts section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: Quick Controls |
Expands/Reduces the Quick Controls section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: Routing |
Expands/Reduces the Routing section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: Sends |
Expands/Reduces the Sends section. |
5 |
Channel Racks |
Expand: VCA |
? |
? |
File: Load Selected Channels |
Loads the selected channels’ mixer state from a file. |
5 |
Loading MixConsole Settings |
File: Save Selected Channels |
Saves the selected channels’ mixer state to a file. |
5 |
Saving MixConsole Settings |
Hide: Audio |
Shows/Hides Audio channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |
Hide: Groups |
Shows/Hides Group channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |
Hide: Inputs |
Shows/Hides Input channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |
Hide: Instruments |
Shows/Hides Instrument channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |
Hide: MIDI |
Shows/Hides MIDI channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |
Hide: Outputs |
Shows/Hides Output channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |
Hide: Returns |
Shows/Hides FX channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |
Hide: ReWire |
Shows/Hides ReWire channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |
Hide: VCAs |
Shows/Hides VCA channels. |
8 |
Filtering Channel Types |