Will Post Update

Gonna take a few days to look through system and find the root.

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Hi and welcome to the forum,

Attach some of your *.ips/dmp files, please.

Mac: macOS Console utility > Crash Reports (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).
Win: %userprofile%/Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps

In the best case, it’s always good to attach the *.ips/dmp file together with description, when did the crash happened (or even the *.log file). But as the 1st step, let’s see, if the crash is in one area or multiple areas on your system.

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Dear JJ,
as Martin indicated it is really important to get the crash reports that are generated on your system. It allows developers to have a look at what just happened prior to the crash and locate a possible issue within the program code much easier and faster. It also allows to see whether the crash happens in Cubase at all or maybe in a plugin, which is quite common.

The actions that make your Cubase crash don’t result in a crash on my system. In other words - not everybody has the issues that you encounter. Therefore the crashes need to be looked at individually.

Auto-Save is a preference. The preferences get saved to the hard drive only when Cubase closes down properly. If Cubase crashes after making such a setting, the changes will not be saved and therefore you will have the old settings on your next launch.

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Thank you. I will collate the crash reports when I have a moment.

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I am sure that if cubase was crashing like this for everybody it would not have been released! From everything you describe I suspect a graphics card issue. That does not mean it can not be the fault of cubase, but it can aslo be the graphics card or driver. We will know for sure when you upload the dump files. But it would also be nice to know the specs of your system! For now we don’t even know which OS, which audio card and drivers, let alone which graphics card, number of monitors (for example I have 3), drivers, OS versions etc etc.

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Sometimes it is like you put one child into a room and it plays with some toys perfectly fine and you have another child in another room and it also plays nicely. Then you put the two children together in the same room and a fight breaks out.
You put two other children in one room and they just get along or even become friends.

Software on a computer system is not so different.

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I did have a series of frequent crashes for a while, but they are mostly gone, much less frequent.
Do list your full computer specs for others to be able to help you.
Next I advise you to put all your graphics drivers up to date, and if necessary do a full reinstall of possibly offending plugins. On my setup I updated from 13 to 14 then Waves started misbehaving, I had to fully uninstall and manually remove all references to Waves in the C drive then reinstall and it was much smoother.

I agree with you as a professional composer that uses Cubase 8h a day, the 14 update really crashes a lot more and there are many bugs but I’m more in the 2-3 times per day than the 20-30 per day (we are 4 full time composers on Cubase 14 at work and it no one is crashing as much as you are).

But what I learned today is that my Mac Os Monterey is not officially supported, so check if your version is supported (I guess they only do 3-4 years of official support for a given OS).

Lots of small details in my work flow have been changed also, I do appreciate the upgrades they are doing to Cubase, but it is not as consistent for sure as Protools (since user base is almost all pros in the Protools world I guess).

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Cubse has been stable here, if you want solutions it would be a good idea if you described your system, if your on mac or PC, graphics card and driver. List solutions ytou have tried, get specific… this is basic