WL12Pro for 300 audio files into Unity?


Due to the eLicenser change and the reduced upgrade price of 100€ from 8 EDU to 12Pro, I’m thinking about doing something with Wavelab professionally again. Since I have little time and audio montage and operation are very peculiar from my point of view (no rating), I am putting together a work step list of what I have to do with LogicPro (composition) and Unity (prototype, no middleware wanted because it is not a game) and I would be very happy to receive a short help from you, if this is possible? Thanks here for already.

Playout of 300 stereo audio files from LogicPro 10.8.1 in BWF format with MetaData, or direct export in mp3/ogg/flac format.
Fades, normalization, mastering are already carried out cleanly in Logic.
Also loops, if this can be exported at all. (see point 2.)
in Wavelab I am mainly interested in batch processing, if I export BWF for the sake of simplicity and only decide in Wavelab whether to use mp3/ogg/flac for Unity:
→ Will the metadata all be transferred?
→ Can I logically add and change metadata?
→ Can I introduce a new file name system here?
Example: instead of Pad_BassBrass_aMoll.wav, the coder prefers to work with “01CL010001”.mp3 (ogg/flac). The seemingly cryptic naming within the “” follows a logic.
→ Do I have to consider anything/ is Wavelab not necessary here/ would all this already work in LogicPro? / Does Wavelab have other strengths, e.g. for Unity, that I don’t know about, but you do?

Create loops in Logic& Wavelab for use with Uniy:
Subsequently create loops from some of the 300 audio files, because of my speed outside of Unity. Can I mark loop areas while composing in Logic that can be read by Wavelab and refined with Seamless Loop? Then exported with, in the audio file itself or as a separate CSV that I could feed into Unity? That would be a great time saver.

Creating STEM’s in Logic& Wavelab for use in Unity
I will probably create STEM’s from the recordings afterwards. For example, I will play out the voice separately in LogicPro. In Unity you can then select the language. From now on I could do this step in Wavelab (audio recording). Would that have a particular advantage? In the audio montage, I can create the STEMs on top of each other and save them as a translation project. (It is important for the organization that it is clear to me where a language translation was ultimately made. And as a separation from the composition in Logic).

Wavelab mobile?
There is no mobile version of Wavelab? I’m looking for a 2-track recording software for my iPadPro to record speech on the go with as little weight as possible. Wavelab on iPad would be handy, it would teach me to move around the software more elegantly and quickly.Thanks again for reading this far.If you think I should contact Steinberg support with this, please write to them.

Maximum number of Tracks in AudioMontage?
Can I create 100 tracks with 3 clips or are there limitations?

Best regards

Your queries are not so clear. However…


No limit in theory, but what is the purpose of having 100 tracks? WaveLab can also have 8 lanes per track. But 100 anyway seems weird.

That’s a bad idea. WaveLab is organized to work with .wav and render to encoded files at the very end.