Working with cubasis 2 projects in cubasis 3

Hi people,

I want to quit working with cubasis 2 (uninstall it) and go on with cubasis 3 only. But I have some cubasis 2 projects on which I want to continue working in cubasis 3.

I‘ve allready put an C2 project in a C3 folder and it seems to work fine. But i‘m a little scared if something could go wrong when I make the final step and delete C2.

Is there anything I should be aware of?

Thank you, Michael

Hi @Synthmike,

Thank you for your message, and welcome to the Cubasis forum!

I would suggest to transfer your Cubasis 2 projects piece by piece, via the following steps:

  • Launch Cubasis 2
  • Go to “Media” and select the project to be transferred
  • Tap the “Share” button located bottom left
  • Tap on “More” in the following “Share” popup
  • Choose “Cubasis 3”

Once done, make sure the transferred project loads and plays fine with Cubasis 3.

Finally, I suggest to create a backup of your projects and other important files (e.g. using the Apple Files app).

Hope that helps.


Hi Lars,

thank you for the quick reply. It seems to be a helpfull guideline. I will check it out in the next days.

Thank you!

Hi @Synthmike,

It seems to be a helpfull guideline. I will check it out in the next days.

Thanks for your feedback!
Hopefully the guide will work out for you!
