Writing compounds tempi

Hello, what am I doing wrong? Thank you very much in advance:


What are you trying to achieve?

He’s trying to avoid using MusGlyphs.

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I`m trying to write “dotted quarter plus quarter = 132”

No way to achieve it except using MusicGlyphs?

Thank you very much.

Not in Dorico natively as it is now.

Is this what you’re after?

Tempo.dorico (625.2 KB)

I entered it as system-attached text, using normal text and some glyphs copied from Individual notes - Standard Music Font Layout (SMuFL) with some re-sizing of the various characters until they all looked about the right size. The notes and the augmentation dot are all Music Text & Bravura Text, while the normal text is Academico & (None). To line them all up horizontally I used Baseline Shift to lower the notes by 4.00 points.

Because it is not entered as tempo text, it will probably have no effect on playback tempo.

Nice job Steven. But the MusGlyph route is simpler, as you don’t have to change fonts, modify baselines, etc… That’s the whole purpose of Metrico and MusGlyph. And since they’re free, why not use them?

Agreed, but I thought I would have a try anyhow.

Maybe a little bit off-topic: What exactly is this tempo definition supposed to mean?
I simply cannot parse this thing…
Is it 132 bars per minute?


Good luck making that clear…

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Yes, I was quite confused because 132 bars per minute is very fast, so my next thought was if quarter notes or dotted quarter notes would be the correct meaning of it. Or maybe it’s the eighth note, being the common divisor of both, that’s being meant implicitly. :thinking: :upside_down_face:

I wondered the same thing!

…forse volevi questo?
Schermata 2021-08-11 alle 17.03.07
Buona Musica

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Thank you to everybody, I shall do it with MusGlyph then, I hope this notation be supported for next update.

The example was random, don ´t care about it. The idea were how to do this kind of notation:

I’d set the first tempo (#1) as quarter = c. 175. It is far simpler, and by the time the player/conductor reaches the three eighths at the end of the measure, there should be no trouble adding in the “extra” eighth to the established tempo.

Non conosco ancora bene Dorico quindi vi chiedo se è possibile ottenere questo senza adoperare escamotage come ho fatto io:
Schermata 2021-08-11 alle 17.32.37

All of these tempo markings are certainly straightforward to achieve using MusGlyphs.

con MusGlyphs non sono riuscito a scrivere (3+2), puoi per cortesia spiegarmelo?

Musglyph si usa per scrivere il Tempo (q+q.=132), non il Meter…