Wrong notes played with NotePerformer/HOOPUS

I have just bought and installed HOOPUS (clean install, downloaded all the sounds), started the HOOPUS trial in NotePerformer, loaded the required instruments, and the result is horrifying - long string notes are often about a half-tone too high, some notes change pitch during playback for no apparent reason. When auditioning the notes or during scrub playback, everything sounds fine, and other playback templates or NP with Iconica Sketch are correct as well.

I’m on PC (Win 11) and Dorico 5.1.80, have already tried reassigning the NP playback template, rebooting the PC, all to no avail, and I have no idea where to look next. I have attached a screen recording (sound quality is bad because I recorded it via microphone, but you’ll hear what I mean).

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot,

Check here: