X times same stave with different plugins

I tried to blend in my score many similar solo instrument plugins. I have e.g. loaded into playback template the specific endpoint configuration for three different oboe plugin . The problem is that all three oboe staves in my score will use same oboe plugin and two are not used at all. What I have to do that all three different endpoint configurations of oboes be used in three different staves in score?

Are you saying that additional VST plug-ins are being created, but not used? That’s unusual.

Normally, if your Endpoint contains three different Oboe Players with three different VST setups, then that’s what Dorico will use. If there is only one Oboe Player/VST in your Endpoint, then Dorico will use that for all Oboes.


I would like to use in score three OBOE staves which has own oboe plugins used at same time. How I can doarrange that without manual work in every new scores?

It sounds like you need to build a playback template that saves your preferred playback settings so that they can be used again in future projects.

This recent series of tutorial videos will help you to do this:

Hi Daniel, I have studied already this series before. I couldn’t find any help. If I collect together all three endpoint configurations file into new playback template and put on score three solo oboe staves and use the playback template for score only the first endpoint configuration has been used on all oboe staves. How I can fix this?

Br, Timo

Lähetetty sovelluksesta Outlook for iOS

You can’t have more than one Endpoint for the same instrument.

You’ll need to construct an EndPoint with three separate Oboe Players, each using the different VST.

Yes. This way I have done. Three different staves and each has own exp. map and endpoint.

Lähetetty sovelluksesta Outlook for iOS


Maybe you can test by yourself that also. Three excacly same staves Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Oboe 3. Every staves has different exp.map and endpoint. In playback template we can have following endpoints oboe1, oboe2 and oboe3. If we load the playback template for these three staves (oboe1-oboe3) → all staves will have same (first) endpoint. How to fix that?

Br, Timo

The theory is that Dorico should be clever enough to know that it should assign each endpoint in turn, based on the ordinal/index of the instruments in the endpoint configuration. But there must be some remaining issues in this area. I will try to take a look when I get some time.

Thank you very much. Some work around I hope that we can at least find. It is more than common (at least in my case )to leayer brass, string … sounds to form the best one.

The nice solution would be to have possibility to select (on Play mode) for different instruments the end point setup file freely. In my understanding at the moment this is possible by using Playback templates only, which seems not to be solution in this case?

This is an interesting problem. To get around this, I tested a solution by creating (duplicating) the Oboe instrument 3 times (Library → Instruments) and renaming both the instrument picker name (I chose something random) and the instrument names literally to Oboe 1, Oboe 2 and Oboe 3.

Then, I loaded 3 random VST, wired them to the instruments, saved Endpoint configs and created a playback template, clicked Apply &Close and they all maintained their routing correctly with correct endpoints.


Thank you very much! This way one can blend and have similar styles instruments quite easy way parallel in score. In my mind it is now little bug in Dorico because if one have many similar instruments (staves) in score they are nice way named with suffix 1, 2, 3 … and suffixs are also taken account in endpoint files per instrument. Why Dorico is not taken account and benefit this information at the moment? Thank you :slight_smile: .

I’ve just created myself a playback template for all VWinds and VHorns (Acousticsamples). There are three different oboes available. I was happily surprised that Dorico was able to load all three oboes with the three different instruments (I feared it would load Oboe 1 three times). Woodwinds by two is exactly what I wanted, and so far it works as intended :pray:

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I have done also playback templates for Acoustic Samples instrument families e.x. double reeds using multis like this

Using keyswitches one oboe staves can consist of five different oboe sound and every oboe sound can fine tuned how one like. Plenty of variation possibilities.

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Did you make for each three oboes own endpoint configuration file or how you managed to get this working?

Yes, one endpoint per instrument. Then in my playback template, all three endpoints as manual in the template.

Thank you for your advice. If I manage to find some other workarouds I come back this issue again not to increase amount of endpoints too much :).

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It’s a one-time operation. And for what it’s worth, I can totally share my file (where all those endpoints are created), or the resulting playback template.