Same for me: The Stereo Out always appears before any MIDI track on the X-Touch, regardless of the actual track order in Cubase. This is up to Cubase though and nothing I can control in the script
EDIT: A bit more testing reveals the Cubase track order (M=MIDI, A=Audio track)
Hi Sorry, I think read almost all post but I can’t understand if config Visibility works or not.
If I set up some visibility config, (1-7) if I recall them with xTouch or with mouse the faders don’t follow the window config but are always all as the initial config. Faders, follow visibility only if I manually disable/enable track and visibility… do I miss something?
Thats really bad!!!
Steinberg needs to apply seriously to all this Remote Devices API, lots of bugs and 13 version had release just few time ago…
Thanks to all.
Cheers Eriberto
Are you saying that both Main and Extender have to be connected to USB to hub and not one each other to make config visibility work? Or are you talking about track order?
But how works the selected Track flag in this case? do I have to choose different midi i/o
Thanks, Eriberto
Hello everyone,
I haven’t worked with the (zoom in) and (zoom out) buttons on the x-touch for a long time. I do it with the keyboard G+H
Somehow it was so that you could switch it with the middle button (+) → button then glowed solid blue
Unfortunately he doesn’t do this anymore.
If I go to the arrows at the top bottom right left only works next or previous event or track down or up
The middle button only lights up blue as long as it is pressed
Did I miss something ??
I loaded the latest 1.9 version again and redid the mapping file again but it doesn’t make any difference.
I don’t know how old mappings work/interfere with new script versions; I’d assume an old custom mapping screwed up the new version’s mapping here…
Anyway, I’m glad you got it working again!
Unfortunately, I have now discovered that the old project files still have the problem with the zoom button mentioned above :-((
Newly created projects now work as they should with the zoom button
Something else is saved somewhere else in the project files, which then messes up the script
and the button no longer works??
and I noticed something else strange
After loading an old project and then loading one of the new ones, the zoom button on the new one no longer works.
Only when you close Cubase and reopen it does the button work again until you load an older project
I have exactly the same problem, but in reverse! The zoom button works with older versions of the same project, but won’t work with the latest version. And as Crincy says, if I load the new version, then close it and load a previous version the fault remains. But if I quit then restart Cubase, the zoom button works fine with the previous version. For the latest version, I’ve tried completely emptying the project of all tracks and all midi controllers, and the fault persists. This issue is definitely caused by something in the project file. I’d love to know what it is.
Hello all,
Thanks a lot for this scripts and this topics!!
I’m a new user of the Xtouch (with one Extender). I’ve tried your script and it seems to be a very interesting upgrade.
I’ve made the installation yesterday and all seems ok.
But today I see a strange comportment around the encoders functions that I’m not able to understand what happens.
(I lost the color for the EQ section also and I’m not sure it was the case before.)
I’ve tried to delete all files (MIDI Remote\user Settings) and restart Cubase but the original script but nothing seems to correct the issues.
Here what I see : When I start Cubase (v13.0.30 pro) the “PAN” key is lit for the encoders functions. If I push one other button (“TRACK”, “EQ”, “SEND”, “PLUGIN” or “INST”) nothing change. But if I press one of them and after I press “SHIFT” or one one of the “FADER BANK” or one of the “CHANNEL” the screens display the corresponding info and I’m able to use the encoders correctly…
Is there something normal or anormal and what should I do?
Else all seems ok.
One more question : I don’t understand how to use the “SEND” touch with your new function. Can you explain me how its works?
Many thanks in advance for your help et thanks again this scripts.
I’m quite new to Cubase so I’m running the latest version 13.0.30 on a MacBook Air M2.
Like @matthieu_guihot above I have the same problem. When pressing for instance the Flip button, it doesn’t activate immediately - only after pressing e.g. Shift, the Flip command executes. Same behaviour for the Encoder Assign buttons. Also, there Assignment display is always black.
I tried the same script on Cubase 12.0.70 and everything worked as expected:(
Something is going wrong with the Plugins : I would like to limit the acquisition of this parameters to 4 pages only. I’m sure it will solve the issue.
Unfortunetly I’m not a developper and I’m not able to locate it in the script at the moment. Someone to help us?
Thanks @Crincy, I’ll see if I can find out anything about this in a free moment.
Me too! I can only experiment with it myself too though and I have limited time available for this. So if any of you finds a fix/workaround, please post it here!
@bjoluc Will do. One thing I’ve noticed is this issue is exactly the same as you get if you press the zoom button while you have a drop-down menu currently dropped down (eg. Files). Maybe this implies that the Cubase project file thinks some menu is currently in operation, or other window open?
I’m also fairly certain that it started happening in my projects after a Cubase crash.