The meter is 2/2. I tried all the options in Notation Options /Beam Grouping and Note Grouping but none of the changes had any effect at all. Also Edit-Reset Appearance with no effect. No notes seem to have Force Duration (the clamp does not light up when I select notes.)
If you are expecting these two ties (over mid-bar) to be written without ties, Dorico does not have a preference setting for that. Your options are either:
- Force duration to the values you want (easier), or
- Write (and hide) a tricky meter such as [1+2+1]/4 (with the brackets)
For the beams there is a Reset Beaming command. There is also a beam groups setting in Preferences > MusicXML Import. Most users uncheck all or most of those options.
Thanks, Mark. Reset Beaming fixed everything. I found it with the Jump Bar, but do you know where it actually lives in Options pages?
Edit > Notations > Beaming > Reset Beaming, grouped with the other beaming controls.
[rereading] Oh, you mean the XML option! That’s in Preferences > MusicXML Import.
Also, rereading the OP, note that force duration doesn’t apply to beaming; only rhythmic values.