Xtouch cubase 11

I updated to Cubase 11 and now my Behringer XTouch does not work anymore. It looks like it gets midi commands from Cubase - when Cubase plays, the XTouch activates the play button - but the Touch does not send commands to Cubase. The setup for the Controller (under studio setup) seems to be ok. I didn’t change anything here. But it seems that the communication is a one way ticket: Cubase to the mixer fine, but from the XTouch to cubase nothing happens…

Any ideas what to do?

It would make it easier to help you, if you specify more details - at the very least your operating system - and ideally also upload a screen capture of your Studio Setup

Problem solved. After disconnecting my Mac from Power for some minutes everything works fine again. Seemed to be a Mac problem not a Cubase issue.