Your preference, midi or audio in Cubase

Im just curious if most Cubase users record directly in the software via midi or do they create thier music on external equipment and track the audio later. Ive never tried the midi route and for the life of me cant understand how to create different patterns, in midi format…If someone can post a video that deal with this I’ll be forever grateful. I have Cubase 6

Aloha R,

If someone can post a video that deal with this I’ll be forever grateful. I have Cubase 6

Try this:

HTH (hope this helps)

There are so many tools for drawing and editing notes I always forget one very useful and straight forward approach. That is the Step/MIDI Input. Just a matter of selecting the quantize value and note length and you can insert and change notes using your MIDI keyboard.

Thanks fellas, this video was editing midi… I meant for composing different patterns in Cubase ( non linear)
I think I heard mention you have to make an arranger track or something to that extent…I will see if I can find some on youtube…