Zoom to cursor. Cubase 13 furious with updates


Could you provide a step by step repro with the expected result and the current result, please?

  • I open an old project OR a new.
  • I use the Daw.
  • All of a sudden the zoom does not assert itself to the play head.
  • Sometimes this option is deselected… sometimes not.
  • Sometime this happens sometimes it does not.
  • If I select it or deselect and reselect it, it still wont work
  • Seemingly there is no other causation other than some sort of update aspect I am unaware of or key command ?
  • Its very annoying, and only been happening since 13.
  • It costs me time and money.

This is supposed to be a step by step repro ? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Beside this, how do you use the Zoom to Cursor/Playhead command invoked ? I don’t see it anywhere, neither in the Arrange page menus, nor in the key commands list…


  • Zoom in/out commands are working perfectly, here, using either the related Edit > Zoom menu options or the default key commands G / H.
  • The Zoom to Event command (Shift+E) is usable only in few of the available editors (RTFM needed…).

At the end, if these aren’t working as expected, I suggest a relaunch of Cubase in safe mode, using the Disable program preferences option.

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@alex107 Please stop criticizing the company every time you are having a problem with the program. Focus on the issue and provide a full description so that someone can help.