

My PC is an Intel i9 10940X 14-core, Asus X-299 Deluxe II motherboard, 64GB DDR4 RAM, 500GB (system) + 1TB (samples) M.2 SSD, 2TB (recordings) SATA SSD and 4TB (archive) SATA HDD. 2 Echo AudioFire 12 audio interfaces daisy chained, a MOTU MicroLite MIDI interface and Steinberg cc121 and Arturia Keylab 61mkII controllers. Cubase Pro 13 and WaveLab Pro 11 and lots of plugins and expansions from Steinberg and 3rd parties…

Working with Cubase since about 1995. Giving Cubase courses since 2000 for primarily Dutch, Belgian and German customers. English speaking customers can be served as well.
Having an extensive home-studio with lots of hardware and software. Among them Cubase Pro, WaveLab Pro, HALion, The Grand and plugins from Arturia, IK Multimedia, EastWest, Native Instruments, PluginAlliance, Softube, Tegeler and Waves Audio.