1 drum kit accessing multiple VST instruments

The VST that I have only has 3 marching tenor drum pitches and I need 5. The company suggests creating a second instance (preset) of the these sounds and raising the tuning thus giving me six tenor drum sounds. I have done this and have set up 2 different percussion maps in Dorico… each accessing one of the two presets in the VST. Now the trick is to get Dorico to play the sounds from both of these VST instruments… all within the same instrument setup. Since the marching tenors within Dorico is setup as a drum kit, I feel like this is possible, but I’m not figuring out how to make it work.

The other issue is the sounds from both presets are triggered by the same MIDI keys, so it seems that I would need to change one set to different keys, but I’m not sure how to do this or if it’s even possible.

The file is attached
Testing.dorico (802.3 KB)

I’ve had a quick look at your project, and everything looks like it’s set up correctly. What is actually happening when you play back?

Drum 1, 2, and 3 should be using the VST 03 instrument and drums 4 and 5 should be using the VST 07 instrument. They all seem to be using VST 03.

I’ve got 6 tracks showing
Marching Tenor Drum 1: VST = 03 - DL - Tenors 6, 10, 14 - MIDI ch = 1
Marching Tenor Drum 2: VST = 03 - DL - Tenors 6, 10, 14 - MIDI ch = 1
Marching Tenor Drum 3: VST = 03 - DL - Tenors 6, 10, 14 - MIDI ch = 1
Marching Tenor Drum 4: VST = 07 - DL - Tenors 8, 12 - MIDI ch = 2
Marching Tenor Drum 5: VST = 07 - DL - Tenors 8, 12 - MIDI ch = 2

  • This track has the NOTES of all of the sub-tracks, but it doesn’t follow the instrument routing. When I play the excerpt, it using the VST 03 instrument
  • If I try to change it’s instrument (even to nothing), all of the sub tracks follow.
  • If I set it to nothing then adjust the sub-tracks, it goes it its default (I assume) the Halion Sonic instrument… but the sounds is VST 03.

It should certainly be possible to select each of the individual instrument tracks and assign them to a different VST instrument in the rack. Don’t change the “parent” track, just change each of the sub-tracks.

One other caveat… Drum 3 (VST 03) and Drum 4 (VST 07) have the same MIDI note: 50 (D3) and Drum 2 (VST 03) and Drum 1 (VST 07) have the same MIDI note: 57 (A3). So I set the percussion map for VST 07 to use 53 (F3) and 60 (C4)… these are the sounds that are playing. How do I set things up to that one MIDI note triggers and different one (does that make sense?)?

Also… I’m not setting up the parent track… it’s doing it on it’s own.

Regarding your “MIDI note triggers” question, is the issue that you want to know how you can input onto each drum, given that the percussion map for each drum defines the same pitch? If so, you should be able to use the Staff position option on the Note Input and Editing page of Preferences, which allows you to input into each drum based on the staff position of the noteheads, rather than the MIDI notes in the percussion map.

I tried this early on, but it only affected the write mode, and I wasn’t able to use my MIDI keyboard for note entry. I’ll just switched back to this option, and, again, MIDI keyboard doesn’t work (the QWERTY keyboard does). Also, when I playback, the sounds are different, but still not right. I realize I’ll have to mess with this a bit more, but any help you can give is much appreciated!

I think I’m at the limit of what I can do here. I think we’d need to look together at the project running on your computer to really dig any further. I’m sorry to say that right now, with the flood of new users that is making my time management even more difficult than normal, I don’t have time to do this myself at the moment. Perhaps my colleague John might be able to have a screen sharing session with you to figure out what’s going on. You can email him at j dot barron at steinberg dot de.

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll reach out to John. I am certainly not opposed to investigating on my own… I’m just trying all this know in real time as we write back ‘n’ forth. Thanks for all you are doing for us new users.

So I’ve spent the last couple of days working through this issue, and it seems that what I’ve been asking for is either too complex or just isn’t possible. When I’m entering marching tenor pitches, I just need to use the QWERTY keyboard and NOT the MIDI keyboard. I think it’s one of the Finale tasks that I need to relearn. Thanks again for all that you do!

Having the same issue. I’m trying to load multiple instruments in a custom kit with different sounds, and the parent kit’s automatically assigned routing is an issue for me. The parent track’s routing seems to override changes I make to the routing of the individual tracks contained within. I get caught in a viscous cycle: removing routing from the parent track ( —) removes the routing from all the contained tracks. But if I do that, and then manually assign routing to even one individual track within the kit, the kit automatically gets assigned a routing which overrides the other contained tracks.

Here’s the post I made recently about the issue:

Not that I have tried it, but the logical place to route different perc instruments to different VST’s would be in the Percussion Map rather than in the Kit.