Hello everyone, I’m working on an orchestral score for a client where I’m giving order to the score since the music was imported from an .xml file. The strings have Divisis that I have to create because the divisis were imported in different staves separately, so far so good, I’ve been able to do it easily. But when I’ve finished saying the part for Violins 1, at the beginning of the staff a signpost “-1 Staff” appears. I haven’t been able to find out what this means and I don’t know if it’s something I should be aware of. On the other hand, I wanted these divisis to condense in the Full Score, I’ve done the steps from Layout options but it doesn’t condense and I don’t see that the divisis exceed the allowed note range for the divisi. TIA
Hi @DavePalac and welcome to the forum!
As it has become usual on the forum, stuff about condensing requires an example file — there are too many controls to check/guess them
True, how could I forget that, thanks for responding and making me aware of this. See the Violin 1a.
If you delete that “-1 Staff” signpost, you’ll see that another staff appears for Violin 1a – although that staff has no music. Going into Setup mode and editing the Violin 1a instrument, it looks like that instrument is defined with two staves:
You said this was imported from XML – maybe the instrument was originally set up with two staves, to handle the divisi manually? In any case, it looks like you can delete the signpost and then edit the instrument to make it a one-staff instrument. The staff will disappear, and it looks at a glance like your music is unaffected.
Thanks Aaron. When I deleted the signpost a extra staff appears. I then did what you indicated and it worked. I had no idea this was set up like this as the file was delivered to me with no indication of how it was created other than an import via xml. Thank you so much!
I’m glad you find an answer soooo quickly. I haven’t even had the time to check on your file