1176 with normal threshold?

hi guys,

i love the sound of the 1176 but not a fan of the input-output thing, like on the LA2A…

Is there an 1176 plugin that works with a ‘normal’ threshold?

Or is that part of the way it works?

This is how 1176 works and it’s very simple.

TrackComp 2 by DMG has a simple unified interface that only changes slightly depending on the selected compressor model. It also provides two 1176 emulations (model A and D).

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i just bought it!


these older models are really designed to use with two hands at the same time, you cant do that with a mouse! :slight_smile:

thanks man! ive been using this forever, i kind of know how this works LOL

I dont like any kind of compressor with a fixed threshold :slight_smile:
you keep turning both knobs, plus i never know what the original level was, since you always adjust the input

really, its a personal thing (love the sound though…check the Purple 77 from Plugin Alliance, ist really good!)
also the vintage comp in stock cubase is pretty awesome with that added punch function…

i just dont like two knobs, unless its on a chick :stuck_out_tongue:

wauw!!! track comp is amazing man!!!

comper from Analog Obsession is kind of the same (its free) but Track Comp is way more like the 1176 :slight_smile:

I also like the fact that you can dial in yiur settings and flip diferent compressor models…i never knew the G comp from SSL sounded so good on open hihats haha

thanks for this, im rocking it in every production from now on

I’m glad to hear you like TrackComp too. It’s really a great sounding compressor plugin. I also use it a lot and prefer it over all the analog looking user interfaces that are often a pain to look at and to use. :upside_down_face: