1800 Style Font

Early version?

That was me who Septembre’d November above :rofl: My mistake

When done, may you show us how your clefs look like? :wink:

One day :slight_smile: all looks a bit complicated for the limited time I have right now.

Has to be said clefs are a particular bug bear of mine - I don’t like the C (alto) clef of any modern font - I feel like it dominates the stave unnecessarily. I spend a good deal of time looking at scores where it can be as small as a little “c”, and it’s dominance seems to come from orchestral tradition - the many breitkopf editions etc. I am aware there are other C clefs in the smufl definition (and in bravura) but be fun to design my own :slight_smile:

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When you ask. a 10 years kid to notate music in D4: :rofl:


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I find a certain charm to this font (although I don’t care for the jagged noteheads).

One thing that would really increase the realism in cases like these would be if multiple standard black noteheads could be defined with subtle differences, and if Dorico could then cycle through them so that adjacent noteheads were not identical. The appearance of handwritten-ness would increase drastically.


Romanos, yes! if we could have some algorithms to aleatory skew a bit the vertical angle if the stems, barlines, ink pressure and so on… hahaha! “algorithms of imperfection??” I think Overture 5 allow doing this. But frankly, the font above is done only for kidding. :sweat_smile: