[2.0.12] Song Track


I have been getting, “media offline” in some of the songs on Song Tracks for quite a while now, not just 2.0.12. I’ve had some of the song stems changed over time, but can’t remember if it happens on only these songs.

With the new Song Media Files now I can check if there are any ghost audio files that I forgot to delete, but seems like all the required files are there. Please see the screenshot below.

This seems like a bug, unless I am missing something?

And while you are looking at this can you make the part names larger or better yet auto resize like the chords track, filling as much space as it can? Right now it is pretty hard to read on live situations.

Hi @talporal,

in my understanding the “Song Media Files” listing is the actual state that Song currently needs. Anything else are not seen any more in the “listing” (as there is no need for them).

You’re probably looking for a feature like “move unused files to trash” but it seems Song Media Files is rather an assistance be able to fix/check if you face with a “Media Offline” state on any track.

Correct, this is under the Song menu, and only shows files used in the currently active Song.

Ok, I feel like I might have not been much clear on this:

See there are some problems with song tracks. One of which is while all the media files are there, it says media files missing. See both images:

This one is ok

This one says “Media Offline”, after part name.

Both above songs have all the media files accounted for in “Song Media Files”. But one of them shows media offline and the other not.

There is another problem where some parts renders with space between them:

This gets fixed if I remove the Song Track and Create a new one. But after some time happens again. I don’t know what triggers this.

My third problem is that the Part Names in Song Tracks are too small. It might be a good idea to increase general font size for this and scale them automatically with zoom levels as it does with chords.

Hope this makes it a little more clear.

Hi, @musicullum

Did you have a chance to look at this?

I feel like this thread is getting lost, with the new version and all the other threads happening on the forum.

It doesn’t mean anything for a Song Track, just ignore it, we’ll fix.
A Song Track has no media files on its own.