[] VST LIVE Pro2 - Custom Actions - Select Part

Hi, I searched through the forum but I didn’t find anything specific to my topic.

I would like to have a button (via MIDI or PC keyboard) to choose randomly a part within a song.
I need to jump from a part to another not necessarely in sequence.

My Action window is like this

I have only one category “Select Part” (row 6) and I can’t choose which action assign to the row.
In this way I can’t go from part 1 to part 3 to part 2 because I have only one action dedicated to the that task.

In the latest available manual (this version: VST Live_Pro_2.0.00_en-US_2024-04-16) there is a different description.

An individual “ACTIONS” windows is no longer available because it seems to have been embedded in the “Actions and Shortcuts” window.
There are no + and - buttons or at least I’m not able to find them

In the current version, is there a way to choose the category in the ACTION column in order to have, let say, four “select part” rows?

To me is no use for example to have “ROW19 - Edit Mode”

Thanks a lot

Actions are programmed under “Devices/Actions and shortcuts”.
Some categories which address multiple objects like Layers, Channels etc have plus and minus buttons, others such as application have a fixed set of actions.
To program a specific Part selection, use the “Select Part” action. The data value (usually, data2) determine the Part index, for instance controller with data 0 will select the first part, 1 the 2nd and so on. Same for Select Song.

Thanks Musicullum, I’ll try!