Just started playing with automation, as an alternative to a MIDI track, and noticed this:-
Create an automation track
Assign track output to a layer. In my case the layer just outputs to a MIDI channel, i.e. no vst instrument .
Map the output of 12 to Volume (was actually trying to send CC12 originally)
Draw some automation
Hit play and volume follows the track ok
Clear the mapping by setting to
Volume is still controlled
Same issue with pan and mute
That aside - how do I send CC12 changes with an automation track?
Sorry @musicullum - I’m having a “me dumb” day.
So I set up a layer action, say for controller 12, set up quick control in the layer to controller 12, create an automation track and link it to my layer, but the automation mappings only show Volume, Pan & Mute - what am I missing?