[2.2.1] mixer channel sends not working

mixer channel sends not working on new or existing projects.
mac m1 os15.2

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if I create a new project, the sends work on my Windows, but again I tried to set only one send, on the old project one send works, but the second one on the same group does not.
On the old project I deleted the instrument input and assigned it a new one and did the same with the stack on this track and the send appeared in my old project, miracles…

I tried to delete the group channel that was working, created it again, sent messages to it and it no longer works

OK so i made a deeper test.

On new project:

  • Fx 1&2 on stacks newly made works
  • Mixer channel sends when created don’t work, but if you switch the button on off and on again the send works. Same with stacks channels and group channels.
  • Changing a send routing (example from out 4 to out 5) the send stop working, you neet to switch it off and on again to have the sound go to the send.

On OLD projects:

  • Stacks FX 1&2 on already existing stacks don’t work (a pain i have GLB stacks connected to 40 songs tracks can’t delete and remake 7 glb stacks for 40 songs!)
  • Stacks FX 1&2 on newly created stacks works
  • Mixer channel sends - From stacks to outputs works - From groups to outputs, don’t work (?)

So, still need some polishing but when polished multiprocessing audio is solved! Thanks devs!!

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I removed VSTLive, cleaned out all its remnants and configuration in App, cleaned out the registry, reinstalled, but still unsuccessfully, in version 2.2.1 almost everything that worked fine is broken… I returned 2.2 and everything works like clockwork

sorry, we are on it and will fix asap.


Thank you, we will wait for corrections

Thanks @ciro1983811 for the detailed description. It was indeed two issues, one a missing activation and two missing re-activation after loading. Both problems have been fixed and a new version will be released, probably already for tomorrow. We kindly ask you to check that version, as it may go into production.

We owe you an explanation: for the new multicore processing to work, we needed to change the internal routing architecture, which went wrong for sends, sorry for that. It should all be fine with the new version, also some other fixes.

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