Here is a rare interview with the legendary Philippe Goutier (PG) who invented WaveLab in the mid-1990s, and still continues to develop WaveLab and provides great direct support on this forum daily:
Very interesting,thank you.
Good read. Was just thinking the other day there wasn’t much information on PG and then this arrives.
Yeah, I saw it pass on Twitter. A very nice read indeed - and what a journey with Wavelab (for me since 3.0).
What I think they missed is the fact that Philippe has always been committed to the user base in these forums. Kudos!
I like to believe that WaveLab is the best stereo audio editor. Now the time has come to make it the best multi-channel audio editor.
A nice insight indeed
PG this is really a great interview…
regards S-EH
Really nice interview. Thank you PG, and Justin and Steinberg
Very cool - thanks for sharing…
I’m trying to remember what version of Wavelab I started on. I think maybe it was Wavelab 3? That was a LONG time ago! lol… Watching Wavelab evolve over the years has been really exciting. Wavelab 10 is really just amazing… a delight to use!
All the very best wishes on this 25th anniversary! You have made a happy man feel very old
GREAT article about a GREAT man. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve been hooked since I got the floppy trial disk. 1.5 maybe with Cubase Audio 2? It was soooo much faster than anything out there. I think the other options I had were sound tools, and turtle beach wavesample. This wavelab program totally blew everything else away.
Good interview! Nice to read it. It looks like WaveLab 11 is going to bring new multichannel tools! Interesting, although I just want to see the much needed automation feature.
Congratulations PG for 25 years of hard work !
It’s also great having you on this forum direct with us users.
All the best!
Enjoyed that. I’ve been with wavelab since version 2. Well done PG
Thank you for the insight. I’ve just joined with version 10 and use the spectrogram features the most now.
I could not agree more. It’s now been about 20 years for me and I’m just -astounded- that, not only is WL still a product (how many softwares even make it to 20) but that PG is still -personally- answering questions every time I show up here.
As a recovering software engineering, I cannot express how remarkable both those facts are. He’s devoted a -career- to this. And I owe a certain amount of my living to Wavelab.
Thank you doesn’t seem to cover it, somehow.
Congratulations for having started and made this product, PG.
I didn’t know about the development, and after PG helped me out today, now reading this, I just had an interesting 5 minutes watching my emotions, since the maker of the software helped me using it.
This is really exceptional. I mean, given the importance of WaveLab, in particular.
Hope it goes on well.
My personal issues with any software exist only when I need to use my left hand or need to do physically complicated tasks with the mouse. If anyone should ever spot me giving criticism to WL, it has it’s roots only there and is of no statistical significance, concerning the vast majority of users that have no physical problems.
A very interesting interview. And can I also add thanks to PG for his continued help on this forum.
PG, so glad to have read the interview seeing that you are still doing fine. I am so happy and honoured that for some years our paths were close. I was always a big admirer of your work but I also genuinely liked you as a human being. I have many fond memories of our common time but I will surely never forget the dinner at a Thai restaurant in Frankfurt after a long day at Musikmesse. “I am used to spicey food” were his last words…
I sincerely wish you all the best, good health and many more succesful years,
Thimo Koberling.