4 notes tuple in half 6/8 measure

I’d like to create a 4 tuple like the one that appears above in the attached file.jpeg , but if I press “ò” (italian keyabord) and enter 4:3x I got what is showed below in attached file.jpeg.

How can I got what is showed in attached file 1, if it’s possible?

I have Dorico 5 Elements version

Thank you

Hi @redgei, and welcome back.

You need 4 sixteenths in the place of 6 sixteenths, not 3. So in the popover write 4:6x :slight_smile: (delete your wrong tuplet first, and recreate it)

Here more informations in the Manual:



Of course you should do it the way you want to, and Chistian has showed you how to do that. But you might want to consider that the normal way to show this rhythm would be to use 4 eighth notes (rather than sixteenths) in the space of 3, in which case you would use a 4:3 ratio. It’s just that you’ve selected the wrong note value for the notes in the tuple to use the ratio you wanted to use.

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