5/4 Beam Groupings

Hi all, it would be awesome if I could tell dorico to beam notes in 5/4 1+1+1+1+1 and also tell it to treat full measure length notes as 3+2. at the moment its one or the other. Or if there was a way to do measure based note groupings like you can with other engraving options.

Is this what you’re looking for?

If so, I don’t see a combination of notation options that produces exactly that. I might just use force duration on the notes that take up a full measure. Or you could add time signatures with the beat groupings you want and then hide them.

Yes, currently there are no options, Im almost exclusively working from midi files and it it easy enough to change them when its one measure but if they are tied across multiple measures it becomes a pain

For multiple measures I’d probably use the time signature with the different grouping and then hide it.

yes i will say your time signature solution is not too bad. Are there any problems you could forsee with that?

If you have multiple players in the same measure that require those conflicting groupings, I would consider adding the time signature to just the staff or staves that require the change. You can do that by adding option/alt when you push enter to close the meter signature popover (and select more than one staff if you’re adding to a few but not all).

Otherwise, I don’t think you’d have issues with that.

sweet, thanks!

i did find one issue, If you are using big time signatures and it happens at a time signature change. it gives a time signature then to every staff


I think I see what you mean. At that point, I think you’d just hide the additional unnecessary time signature, too.

but then i have no time signature at all. I don’t think theres a perfect solution yet but im sure there will be one day. Thanks!

I mean the one that is created at the position where you just added the time sig to get the beaming/grouping you’re looking for. But I agree, I don’t see an ideal solution for this.

I would just do all the time-signature-adding and then select them all to hide once completed.

the problem is it forgoes the big per bracket time signatures since Dorico assumes you know longer want the same time signature across all staves. So it works but not at a time signature change

It’s possibly not exactly what you’re looking for, but there is also this fairly recent option:

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Hi Lillie! the problem is i have a ton of eighth notes that I want beamed for each beat and then long notes that group 2+3. its pretty standard to never have a whole tied to quarter so I wish there was a distinction in the settings.

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