I don’t know why this happen and I cannot fix it.
I try on the last bar to creat a 5/4 meter and it’s totally fine, but I cannot insert a 5/4 in the middle of the score.
I don’t know why this happen and I cannot fix it.
I try on the last bar to creat a 5/4 meter and it’s totally fine, but I cannot insert a 5/4 in the middle of the score.
When you change the meter, Dorico does not add or remove beats by default.
The easiest way to change this bar is to select the double barline and type Shift-B, 1q to add a quarter note.
Or you could turn on insert mode, double-click the 5/4 and just hit Enter, and Dorico fixes it for you. Turn off insert mode afterward.
That works perfectly! Thank you so much!
Think of that 4/4 as a buffer or stop. You want 5 beats, but Dorico says sorry, there’s no room, so I’ll give you a pickup bar for 5/4 with only 4 beats. When you create the 5/4 at the end (or where there’s no later time signature to stop it) Dorico can quite happily adjust all the bars.
Dorico cannot add extra time unless you ask it to do so (except at the end). If you want more time to be added, you must allow it by switching insert mode on before you create the new time signature, else force more time in afterwards by using shift-B.
Yes, if you need to do this again:
type i to turn on insert mode
Enter the new time signature (with more OR fewer beats in the bar)
Type i to turn off insert mode.
In insert mode, Dorico will add or subtract the right number of beats for you.
Turning insert mode off again is very important!