Well, sometimes I like to have - and do have - everything in one project. Sometimes this makes sence for me. And I never had a problem here. And NO kind of trouble. The one project I was talking about - 80 min, 560 tracks/groups was the most solid project I ever worked with, I do not know why but I never had a crash.
@ Woodcrest: Sorry for the late response - I was busy:
I work in a similar fashion, but when it comes to mix stage, I print all the edits and separate the songs into their own separate projects with only the used audio in the pool. I used to work your way for full albums (all in one project) but I found the program got sluggish and the work I do, the songs are supposed to sound different from track to track. All demo work still uses a single project because time and production depth is limited.
100% same workflow here!
@ others:
I do not know why this is from any importance - but just to answer: I never wrote that I keep all edits in the prijects during the mix. And I never wrote that I ALWAYS have all songs in one project. It can happen. And I keep the edits till the end, in seperate projects in seperate folders. I work in session-copys - when I am done with recording/editing I allways spend some time to set up the mixes - here I bounce everything and empty the trash after that. Because while I might love big projects I prefer a clean and organized structure. Often I split into seperate projects when the mix is set up - it all depends. If the songs are different I have seperate projects from the beginning. Actually the current 3 album mixes are in seperate projects. I would say - it all depends!!
Punkrockdemo: All in one project. Some kind of simple metal, even when riffing is complex: Drums in seperate projects - because Nuendo slows down when having more than 666 edits per track - when done I continue often in one big project. When all songs are only drums, bass, 2x guitar plus vox - why not. It is easy and fast that way. Doing a change in guitar sound in a more final mixing stage: One second - affects all songs. yea, this is what I need. I did about 150 records in the past 10 years, I would say I can handle it without user errors…
Well, when we are here - Nuendo is not the best example regarding features for transfering setting between projects. There are a couple of ways to do that, trackexport, mixersettings etc - I know I know - but lets say I need settings from another song - I have to close the current song, open the other song (can use some time) safe settings, close, re-open, load settings. 10 min… I would like to just select an Npr and extract some settings from there, like when importing a track archive - here I can choose the tracks I need. And regarding the track archives - I hate to delete audio before exporting track-archives. Why not implementing a feature which enables us to export those archives WITHOUT any linked audio? Would be cool even for generating project templates…
Well, basically we are here to discuss Nuendo issues. I posted something regarding the tempotrack issue in another thread. Please read here:
Computer für Audioanwendungen
Steinberg Software lässt sich grundsätzlich auf allen gängigen Computern betreiben, sofern diese die auf den Produktverpackungen abgedruckten Systemvoraussetzungen der Software erfüllen. Der heutige Computermarkt bietet hierbei für jede Anwendung...