64 or 32 ?

Hi all,Im just updating my mac g5 to a mac pro 6 core with cubase 6 update next week,And not sure if to go all the way with 64bit or stay with 32bit for a bit more,The problem is i have over 200 pluggins and about a third of these are now 64 bit, and the rest 32bit. I know some of these will never make 64bit and donot mind losing some. What do you think i should do.

This might be off the beam for a Mac user … but as a PC user, what’s the big deal?

Just install both and use the same folder structure for your VST and VSTi plugins. Both programs will be able to see them once you set up preferences. AFAIK the project file itself isn’t 32 or 64 … so it doesn’t care whether it’s opened by 32 or 64 bit Cubase as long as all the data and plugin locations are unchanged.

That way you can go back and forth and see what you like.

I went through a similar deal upgrading to Windows 7 x64 and ended up doing exactly this. I’ve ended up spending most of my time using the 32 bit version for the plugin convenience.
