Back in 2018 under the user name swetch, I posted my first cubase attempt at an old song I’d written in the pre-DAW days of port-a-studios. I think it would’ve been Cubase 8.5 or 9 that had been used.
I did post it here, but was never too happy with the overall sound I got, along with some aspects of the performance (my vocals), and some sequencing and loops that I’d tried to incorporate into a 1990’s rock song.
I found the project when migrating to a new computer in late 2024, and thought about tweaking it a bit. Those tweaks led to totally new vocal tracks, new softsynth keys, newly recorded guitar parts, and some additional percussion. What’s still there from the old is the basic drum track, the bass part, and the synth and guitar solos. The rest was all done in the last few weeks in Cubase Pro 13. In the end, there are 3 separate electric guitars, an electric bass, and halion, padshop, retrologue, and groove agent. Guitars, bass, and vocals went through Line 6 Helix Native plugins, and the voices employed aspects of the Cubase vocal chain.
Very doubtful that anyone will recall how it once was, but I’m happier with how it now is.
Thanks for listening, if you do, and for any ideas you might have for further touches to this.