Win 10 build 10586,420 on HP w/ Intel i7-6700 @ 4 GHz
Install 64b 8.5.20 update error:
Module C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Asio\asioglld failed to register. HRESULT-2147024770. Contact technical support.
Abort Retry or Ignore options.
Abort option results in the following message:
Cubase 8.5.20 64bit update installation failed.
Fatal error during installation
Error Code: 1603
Then it says on the Finish screen the updates are listed as DONE.
Opening Cubase screen shows version 8.5.15
Load project - No audio on playback.
Check Device Setup / VST Audio System / NO DRIVER shown.
Change to ASIO Fireface USB.
Audio playback.
I’m hoping that other than removing the driver the error/aborted update was completely undone and as it states: version 8.5.15.n
I’ve written and am now posting this information without really using the software other than one project that I worked on yesterday is again producing audio