8.5 Ruler Locator issue, please help


this Issue was not fixed in latest 8.5.10 update :neutral_face: :cry:

Though I have to admit, mix console looks better now.

After working some time with 8.5 I am really sad about the new ruler locator system.

Right clicking within the ruler and immediately having a starting point to run the playback
was an enourmus time saver.
Clicking and pulling down the mouse is totally annoying for a fast workflow.

I would like to ask Steinberg:
could you please develop an option for the preferences menu to choose between
the old and the new ruler behaviour?
I am sure a lot of people would appreciate this.

Absolutely agree, I don’t like this new behaviour, it’s time consuming, I am used to working so much faster with one click placing a triangle locator that I could jump to it instantly. Steinberg are you listening?? I too have spent money upgrading and feel I want to go back to version 8 because of this annoying new ruler that I can’t get used to, please give us the option?

With latest 8.5.20 update this issue was fixed by adding hotkey combination. Still not the way we used to, but at least we have easy shortcut now!
Thank you Steinberg Team for addressing this issue!!!

CTRL/CMD & ALT click will set the left and right locators are positioned at the same nearest snapped

Thank guys you once again!

PLUS ONE. This is REALLY annoying. When doing vocal take editing, I don’t want to have to Ctrl+ALT AND mouse click each time I get to a new segment when I could have just single clicked the mouse like before. Why change such a basic and simple thing???

I am used to working so much faster with one click placing a triangle locator that I could jump to it instantly.
I cannot get used to the new method.
It is annoying.

After working with this for a while. I must also admit - it is annoying.
When I track guitars or keyboards or I’m sitting in the position when keyboard is hard to reach I operate with mouse only.

Using two hands is too much hassle for such a basic, simple and often used operation.

I don’t like this… And this doesn’t help nothing at all. Why not put that on Preferences, for people who like that?

Steinberg, why waste time addressing the issue if all you are going to do is give us basically a workaround, which is just as complicated and annoying with …CTRL/CMD & ALT click. Please Steinberg, just put the ruler back to how it was, enough people are shouting out about it, I for one with not be spending any more money on upgrades unless this issue is fixed. Does it not make sense to offer this new method in preferences or better still, give us the option of managing and customising the rulers behaviour in the preferences so everyone is happy!?

+1 here.

Workaround is not a workaround. It’s just an added variation of the problem.

As a home studio user, I’m often recording guitars sitting in front of the desk/monitor/keyboard. Having to put down the guitar in my lap to free both hands so that I can set a locator point, when I used to do it with a simple mouse click in previous versions, is… Well, someone hasn’t thought this through, and I don’t see why they can’t change it back and still keep whatever added function this change has brought.

Also, like OP pointed out, clicking, holding and nudging back and forth is not a good alternative either. The precision needed is wearing at my wrist and sanity.

Is there even a reason that the pencil can’t be a single click anyone? It doesn’t seem to be doing anything else with it’s single click so why take it away?

I don’t mind the new ruler if they made the pencil single click again and also why does’t the colour turn red when the locators are backwards now?

Now I don’t personally think this is optimal but I did just find that if you put your mouse to the very top of the ruler so the pencil appears, click then drag straight down, it will make a single point. Takes a bit too much control to be the perfect way, but in my opinion it is better than dragging a lttle section or using the cmd + option thing.

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    Steinberg: please bring back this option.

glad to see that this has NOT been improved in ver. 9
what a stable world we live in!

9.0.10 has no fix for this one. Please bring back the old behavior
