9.5 crashes while loading and VST Mixer is on screen

I had problems as soon I as purchased 9.5 for my Windows 10 Intel I7 PC with 16 gigs of ram.

I was first told my dongle might be the problem so I bought a new dongle as first one was pretty old.
I then talked to tech support. I tried going into User, AppData, Steinberg file and deleting the files there. I had to recreate my settings in Cubase, but the good news is it worked.

However days later I am getting the same problem going into Cubase 9.5. I have no problems going into 8.5. So this tells me this is a bug in the new version. Hopefully they can fix it. I tried the Elicense Controller and updating things there but I would say at least 60% of the time when I try I cant get in.



In this case most often any plug-in crashes. Make sure your plugins are up to date, please.

If it doesn’t help, share the crash dump file, please.

Can’t get 9.5 to load 70 percent of the time. This is so ridiculous.

How do I share the crash dump file?


Share them via Dropbox or similar service.

On Windows you can find them in Documents/Steinberg/crashdumps folder.

This is what is said in the dump folder.

This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(25b4.300c): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
00007ffd`754370b4 c3 ret

************* Path validation summary **************
Response Time (ms) Location
Deferred srv*

Then it seems the crashlog doesn’t help unfortunately.

Did you try in Safe Start Mode?

Did you try to remove all plug-ins?

It crashes before it even tries to scan the plug ins.

I tried Safe mode; it says the Elicen controller is not connected and it asked for license number to be type in which I did not have at the time. Internet does not work either in this Safe Mode.

It looks like I have to go back to Cubase 8.5 which is very frustrating


Did you run Safe Mode of Cubase or of your system?

Cubase Safe Start Mode just disable your custom Preferences for this time and uses the factory Preferences.

I never heard of Cubase safe mode. I did a search and found out you need to hit Ctl, alt and shfit.

Bare in mind I deleted my preferences initially and it got me into Cubase 9.5. However once my preferences were saved, I started having problems again.

Your suggestion worked as I am now in Cubase 9.5. Thank you. :smiley: That’s the good news. I hope Steinberg can find a way to correct this issue. Its annoying to setup my Mackie Controller presets as well as BFD3 drums every time I open Cubase. This issue I don’t have with version 8.5 so there must be something different they did with the programing of the latest version.

Well I am running in Safe mode every time I want to work with Cubase 9.5. Its a pain in the neck that I have to redo all my preferences. For now I don’t bother with my Mackie Controller presets. Its too much of a hassle, but at least it works. It really won’t even open up anymore with regular start up. The damm VST Mixer keeps crashing my computer.

Called tech support, the guy said someone with experience would call me back within the next day. Well that never happened. Will have to call again this week. I really hope there is a fix for this issue soon.

I talked to Tech support, after providing my crash dump files, they said they don’t know how to fix my problem and they will have to talk to Germany about the fix. For now. I have to open in Safe Mode every time I want to use Cubase 9.5. What a pain that it!!!


If you don’t want to open in Safe Start Mode every time, you can just backup your Cubase preferences folder (if you want to), and delete the folder (you can do so in the Safe Start dialog). Then you will start with the fresh preferences, so the crash shouldn’t happen anymore.

Would be nice, if you could share your preferences, to be able to find out, what is faulty, and what makes Cubase crash.

I guess what your saying is you save your preferences as a preset. Open Cubase in safe mode, then go to your preferences and open the preferences you saved before? Does that also save my midi Mackie Controller settings in midi? I though it only saves the settings that are on the Preferences page?

The only preferences I have is my Mackie Controller, 2 Expanders, and BFD 3 setup in midi. So it loads a BFD drum kit and assigns the drum kit to different tracks. I also customized the colors of the fader signal and adjust the red, yellow and green where they start and stop.

No, I’m sorry, I wasn’t clear.

Locate Preferences folder %AppData% Steinberg/Cubade 9.5. ZIP this folder as your Preferences backup. Safe Start Cubase and select Delete Preferences in the dialog. Done.

Hopefully Steinberg has read my crash logs in Germany and comes up with a fix for this problem I am having. Otherwise I am forced to start up Cubase 9.5 in safe mode every time. I am surprised if no one else is having this problem.


Could you share the crashlog here, please?

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17074.1002 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Revelation\AppData\Local\CrashDumps\Cubase9.5.exe.2044.dmp]
User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is:
Windows 10 Version 16299 MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Sun Feb 18 19:26:21.000 2018 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: not available
Process Uptime: 0 days 0:00:09.000

Loading unloaded module list

This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(7fc.2db4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
00007ff9`210e09d4 c3 ret


I need the source dmp file to be able to resolve it, please.

Due to the size, I send you two separate emails, with the larger one on Google Drive.

Thank you for your help on this matter.


Both crashes are the same. There is HDSP ASIO involved, and then it crashes on avrt.

Cubase is not mentioned in the crash stack.