You have convinced me to work more with the BFD3 editor. I will also be able to save the palette for safeties sake. I am working on a project now and will report back how I get on with it. You know I have not fully explored the possibilities there. Thanks for the encouragement.
I guess that what I do is a pretty similar approach, except maybe for the use of parallel compression.
Good to see that there is life in the old dog yet.
yes indeed however the outside world wont change for a guitar but vst are quickly out of date and the competition (bfd has none ) dont sleep … things get quicker, cheaper and easier
It seems that inMusic’s BFD support is up and running. I have had an automated reply saying that someone will get back to me asap.
I have already had a reply. Which is great.
Ah, shucks. I’ve lost the expansion sales, I see the prices are back where they were. Nevermind, it’s a good opportunity to do my homework. But… How do I do my homework? How do I know which kit pieces are included in an expansion?
I was eyeing the Sabian digital vault, but I can’t seem to find out which cymbals are included. I’m interested in the rides, it says it includes HHX. HHX Legacy too? What size? Is there a 20" in there? I can’t seem to find a list anywhere.
Edit: Now I see that in the FAQ page there is a what’s included that I missed before.
FAQs > General Information > * What is included in this expansion pack?(FXpansion - BFD Sabian Digital Vault)
Didn’t see you edit.
I got three packs from the sale:
Imperial, Modern Retro and the Cocktail. I have been using them all. They sound excellent.
Hey guys! A heads up if you don’t check your mail often. There’s a migration going on. Following the instructions, I migrated my profile, and was offered a free expansion pack for BFD, a choice between Crush, Oblivion, Horsepower, Jazz Noir and Metal Snares.
So, if you don’t have any of the above, it’s a good opportunity to get them free. Check your inboxes!
Hmmmm! Thanks for the heads up. I have not got an email as I had the do want to be contacted by box unticked. Migration to where from who?
BFD were recently sold to InMusic, suppose it is the result of that
Exactly as @raino says. You migrate the account to inmusic, download a new license manager, all products are reauthorised with no fuss at all, and I think there’s a 3.4 version coming, or maybe it’s already there, I didn’t check it out carefully.
Yes I get that as I have been in to my Fxpansion account and seen the Migration Box. I have just done it. Not been offered a free expansion pack.
In my Products page, I get this. (I’ve erased sensitive information)
Next to where it says Get a Free BFD Expansion, in the Serial field, there’s a coupon. This you use in the shop (now at during checkout, and that’s how it went for me.
Here’s a good rundown on what’s going on.
I am kind of in shock!!!
When I started this thread it was a case of optimism over reality. It is nice to be confirmed as an optimist.
I am afraid that the new update is very problematic. Firstly it could not scan my previous versions preferences and then would not import all of my authorised expansions. In fact it leaft out most of them in the scan of my DFD 3 content folder. I am now worried that I will have to download most of my content again. Which give I have over 500 gig of samples could be a real pain. At the moment I cannot use BFD in most of my projects. Grrrr. The optimist has gone again.
Luckily the new BFD3 is a separate install so I just uninstalled it. I wonder why it won’t transfer all the prefs from the earlier version?
Yeah, just noticed that. I guess we should manually reauthorize everything except BFD3? Ah the fine print
How long did it take for your e-mail to arrive for the free pack? I did my migration an hour ago and still haven’t gotten it.
Did some digging and found the link under the BFD icon in ‘My Products’ to “Get Coupon”.
Sorry to hear. Mine went pretty smoothly. Just had to point the setup to my storage drive to find all the samples/drum packs/expansion and wait for it to finish scanning.
Maybe try rebooting and installing again? Are you Mac or Win?
Hi. Windows here. When I bought my new computer just before Christmas I has to install nearly all BFD content which was a pain. However I have well over 500gig of content and to reinstall everything would be a major pain. I have not tried reinstalling. Did you manage to transfer prefs from the older version? I couldn’t.
Reinstall and the new version froze. It would not pick up the prefs and could not access previously installed content. I can officially say that I am not happy.
Are your BFD 1 or 2 kits showing up fine? I can’t get it to work over here. Before the migration, I was using any kit from 1 or 2 in BFD 3, but now when I point to the directory, a license “button” shows up and won’t let BFD load them.
Entering my old serials for BFD 1 and 2 in the license manager does nothing, as they’re not supported products anymore according to inMusic. Plus my BFD3 serial is different now than the one I had before, the latter also being rejected if entered in the license manager. Oh brother.
Summary: Gained one free expansion kit, lost about 18 legacy kits . What a mess.
Edit: Now I’ve tried it in Cubase, everything works as it should, because the FXpansion license manager checks what’s what. If I try to use the free expansion I got yesterday, it won’t load because it’s not authorized (in fxpansion).
What kind of hammer should I use?