A few problems in the French localization of version 3.5

I had to switch to the French interface to check the wording of the fabulous Graphic Slices and happened to spot the following problems, which Daniel may wish to forward to those will be able to deal with them:

Below “Créer une tranche”, we find “Slice name” rather than “Nom de la tranche”.

If a slice is selected, we read “Export Selected” rather than “Exporter la sélection” (“Tout exporter” is displayed in French, though).

Taking a tour of these surroundings, but rather cursorily, in Play mode (Lecture), I see “Flow 1”, followed by “Time” and “Chords”.

In menu “Écriture”, the second-level entries for “Basse chiffrée” are in English.

In menu “Édition”, under “Préférences”, then “Saisie et édition de notes”, the entire second box under “Hauteur et durée” (Specify accidental, rhythm dot…") is in English.

In menu “Lecture”, I see “Expression Maps” and “Percussion Maps”. In Expression Maps, I suspect that the HSO names may have to be in English for technical reasons, but I am wondering about the descriptions under “Nom”, which read “Muted”, “Natural”, “Trill (half-step)” and so on. Are they supposed to be localized? In Percussion Maps, I see “Key Switchs” (the second word pluralized using French rules) in various places. For all of this, I do not know if the English designations are used by French-speaking users familiar with this module or if there are accepted equivalents.

In the Notes toolbox, the tuplet icon is labelled “N-olets”. The word “n’olet” has been used (between quotation marks, and only in a section title, by Claude Abromont, Guide de la théorie de la musique (Paris: Fayard et Henry Lemoine, 2001), 62. One finds “n-olet” in the documentation for MuseScore and in a help file for Finale, and as “nolet” in the LilyPond documentation. My suggestion has always been to use “tolet” (“tolets” in the plural) since we see a link with “triolet”.

In the Notations toolbox, when a keyboard shortcut using the Shift key is displayed (in blue) in the tooltip, shouldn’t we read, for instance, “Maj+Q” rather than “Shift+Q”?

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the feedback, which I will certainly pass along.

Hello Daniel,
Here are a few improvements that could be made to the French translations :

Many places : In French, ‘liaison’ means 'slur AND ‘tie’. ‘Slur’ = ‘liaison de phrasé’ // ‘tie’ = ‘liaison de durée’
Édition > Filtres > Toutes les notes bémolisées (instead of ‘toutes les notes bémol’)
Écriture > ‘Modifier l’enharmonie’ or ‘Redésigner l’enharmonie’ instead of ‘Redésigner’ // Modifier l’enharmonie en utilisant le nom de la note au-dessus, etc.
Fenêtre > ‘Console de mixage’ instead of ‘mélangeur’
Fenêtre > ‘Pas de division de la fenêtre centrale’ instead of ‘Pas de division’ // 'Division verticale de la fenêtre centrale, etc.
Fenêtre > ‘Disposition de partie séparée’ instead of ‘contrepartie’
Gravure and many places : ‘Tablatures’ instead of ‘schémas d’accords’

If you’re interested, I could go deeper into the French translations.

Thanks, jaco_6, I’ll gladly pass these suggestions on, and we always welcome suggestions for improvements or corrections, so if you have the time, please do either post them here or send them to me at d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de.

In full agreement with Jaco except for mixer. I really like “mélangeur”. It should be imported to France! :grin:
By the way Daniel, one thing that would very practical is a lexicon with the original English terms and their equivalent in the translated versions. Since the translations are not and should not be done word by word, sometimes it gets very complicated to communicate with other users.

Unfortunately I don’t think such a glossary exists in a form that would be easy for us to share, but I’ll mention it to our manuals team in case I’m wrong.

No Daniel’s right, it doesn’t exist in a way that would be easy to extract - it’s been mentioned before though, so I’ll make a note to bring it up again.

You can already approximate something like a side-by-side comparison when using the webhelp - if you amend the url of a page, as long as the translated manuals are up-to-date with the English one, you can switch between languages for the same page. It’s not word for word, as you say, but within the limited field of a single page, hopefully it can still be a useful comparison. Because of how information is carefully segmented, translators work sentence by sentence so the information should remain in fairly close lockstep.

So for instance, this is the English documentation page for the Mixer: Mixer

If you change the /en/ part to /fr/, you get the French documentation: Console de mixage

We are not going to have a Québec-Switzerland fight :slight_smile: but the French translation should use the most widely used words.

By the way, I’m the author of the ‘Dictionnaire des Mots de la Musique’, that includes the English-French translations of most of the music words. In case it would help ! ◊ Dictionnaire des mots de la musique :: un livre de Jacques SIRON (site personnel) ◊

We are not going to have a Québec-Switzerland fight :slight_smile: but the French translation should use the most widely used words.

Désolé de t’avoir présumé Français. Mea culpa, mea grandissima culpa! C’est à cause de l’anglicisme! :grimacing:

Well, that’s something! I guess with such a background (bravo, au passage, car je suis un amoureux de la langue française et ai toujours beaucoup de plaisir à rencontrer des vrais passeurs tels que vous, même virtuellement) the team will listen to your suggestions!

En passant Jaco (ou Marc),
Avec tes qualifications, as-tu une idée comment on traduit « underblow » pour les vents?