The good outweighs the bad by quite a margin: the way to add a second of silence at the top and tail of a clip in the Montage, compared to the DAW I moved from a year ago (I’m still learning other WL goodies) is just so slick: a matter of seconds rather than a 4-stage faff of importing a silence wav, trimming, moving, adding fade … Saves me a lot of time every week.
The bad: I must have done something accidental as something reset on my last start-up and I lost my preferences - most don’t matter, but the real loss is Global Presets for VST3 as that’s where I’d added a lot of starting templates. Is it possible to re-create these - where are they stored? I’m using the latest v12
Many thanks.
VST-3 Presets are stored there:
C:\Users[your name]\Documents\VST3 Presets\Steinberg Media Technologies\RoomWorks SE
/Users/[your name]/Library/Audio/Presets
Unfortunately the folder Steinberg Media Technologies\ does not exist at that place.
(C:\Users[your name]\Documents\VST3 Presets) - just folders for the plug-ins themselves. All of these folders are empty except for an MDWDRC2 Global preset I made this morning.
I should have written:
C:\Users[your name]\Documents\VST3 Presets
Because “Steinberg Media Technologies” only exists if you saved Steinberg presets.
This means you found your presets?
Yes - I found this Documents/VST3 folder - but all of the sub-folders are completely empty: no Global Presets and no Default presets for the plug-ins where I changed these. The only preset is the single one I made this morning.
Once your presets are saved, WaveLab does not modify them. Therefore, the reason for their absence must be sought outside of WaveLab. That said, perform a full file search on your Windows system to locate a preset file in case it was saved in an unexpected location.
All of the Project files are where they should be, but on your advice I did a full search and found everything ‘lost’ in a hidden folder: C:\ProgramData\VST3 Presets. Many thanks.
The mystery is why until yesterday WL could see that and now can’t. Can I now
just copy that folder (or the folders for the Plug-ins concerned) to the Documents sub folder where they should be?
Thanks again.
yes, do this