A java error with steinberg download assistant

Guys, is this a joke? This piece of software costs 500$. I shouldn’t lose >2 hours on your download manager. Your customers are literally debugging your app for you.

As mentioned, the JRE is embedded in the download assistant, so installing a separate one is useless. Installing/running as admin doesn’t help. Trying other folders doesn’t help.

Yes, it is easy to create the folder and work around the first java exception. But then the download assistant will be unable to install anything, as already mentioned.

The solution brought by sullira in their latest post might help, but honestly I can’t believe I need to follow such intricate steps.

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Sullira’s workaround works for me as well (thanks). My feeling is that the C++ redist runtime that comes alongside Cubase 12.0.20 should be bundled with Steinberg Download Assistant.

I’ve just done an upgrade of the Steinberg Download Assistant on another computer and it worked flawlessly. During the upgrade, I noticed that the MSVC++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) - 14.28.29914 was automatically installed. Of course, downloading and installing software on that machine worked out of the box.

My guess is that when installing Steinberg Download Assistant 1.33.2 from scratch from [1], the MSVC++ runtime is NOT installed. If this is indeed the cause of the issue, this should be fixed or at the very least mentioned in [1]. This is a big hindrance.

[1] Steinberg Download Assistant | Steinberg

They seem to be aware of it. This worked for me.


thank you!

For anyone who hasn’t solved it yet:
I had the same problem. Same error message. In my case it depended on Ccleaner. In the Performance Optimization section, Microsoft visual c 2008 - 9.0.30729.6161 was “discontinued”.
Tip: Try restarting all suspended programs on Ccleaner in the Performance Optimization section and restart Steinberg Download Assistant to see if it works.