A pair of problems related to tuplet creation

The problem with the 8 looking weird is caused by a bug in the factory settings, which I’ll make sure gets fixed. You should be able to fix it for new projects if you’re brave. Find the following folder:

Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\Steinberg\Dorico 2
Mac: /Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Dorico 2/

Inside here you may find a folder called DefaultLibraryAdditions. If you do, go inside it: if not, then create it. Next, create a folder called something like TupletFix inside DefaultLibraryAdditions. Finally, download the attached zip file, and unzip it. It contains a single file called tupletfix.doricolib. Put this unzipped file into the TupletFix folder you created.

The next time you start Dorico, this .doricolib file will be read and its contents will be loaded into any new project you subsequently create. Unfortunately it’s not so simple to apply this fix to an existing project, but if you want to send me a project in which the fix needs to be made, I can do that for you.
tupletfix.doricolib.zip (1.38 KB)