A simple starter for using Dorico?

Hi, I have been looking for some time now for a newbie guide to starting with Dorico. It is such a comprehensive program, with so many aspects that it is quite daunting to see what happens first, which elements can be deferred until a user - me - can at least accomplish a simple introductory piece of music, then with what can be learned by this, to have the courage (and I mean courage !) to experiment further, add additional aspects to the process, and gradually proceed.
I know some aspects can be deferred until later in the learning ( Expression Maps seem to come under this category) and many of the setting up options which are useful for more complex musical ideas (I do not need to learns how to orchestrate until I have happily written music for smaller forces)
What I am thinking about is something like a 'New users start here ’ which is often a small booklet packaged in with more complex software packages.
The wonderful thing about Dorico is how many levels , from me to true experts and composers, can all be accomodated in this amazing comprehensive package, but I am very much at the inital stages, so any help, suggestions, links etc would be most useful and welcome

Dan Kreider’s guide is a little out of date but still very useful as a starting point: Dropbox - A Beginner's Guide to Dorico.pdf - Simplify your life

If you like hard copies to learn from, I’ve heard good things about this introduction as well.

(Improving the “starter” section in the manual is now pretty high on my to-do list, hopefully that will be of use in the future!)

Thank you pianoleo, but I do not have access to Dropbox

You shouldn’t need to. There’s a direct download button that doesn’t require a Dropbox account, I believe.

Thank you, I have bought this book, but have not completed reading it - more to do !

Thanks again - I have found it and downloaded it.

John Barron’s Getting Started with Note Input in Dorico is good too, especially for those that prefer duration-first input.

Thank you again pianoleo - and thanks to Dan Kreider for writing this intorduction. As far as I can see so far the details answer almost all the questions and problems I have had so far (I am sure I will find others !)

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