I’m in the process of creating an Ableton Push 2 script. The only way I’ve figured out to create this requires additional MIDI and interface processing outside of Steinberg’s software. So unfortunately it’s not as simple as just a script (I think). I actually have not looked into the MIDI Remote API yet. Maybe writing Javascript is a reasonable approach. I will need to research that later.
However, if you’re familiar with Shove, I’m creating something similar to that BUT I don’t have any updates on distribution yet. There are some license issues I’ll need to research.
Just wanted to share that we may soon have actual, thorough Push 2 control.
I’ve created a bespoke solution that works pretty well. However, based on my additional research, it will take some more time to create a solution can distribute effectively. Right now it’s quirky but still works.
Yes. I made some progress. Right now I’m stuck on optimizing the grid. Basically there are so many ways to address that. People sometimes what chromatic keys. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they want different scales.
Perhaps you can offer some insight.
How do you prefer to use the grid on the Push 2?
Would you be interested in a script that only works with the non-Note buttons? That’s what I’ve setup so far.
I think with the beta version I was working on, it would be better that people can tinker and edit it. Also, I’m using packages in one of my beta versions that I don’t believe I’m allowed to package into an executable.
Controller Version
The Push 3 brings MPE if that interests you. So this is nice. It also come with an audio interface which includes ADAT. I use ADAT in my studio and I find it very convenient but it requires an additional investment to get the most out of it. It’s only useful if you plan on doing multi-track recording.
Standalone Version
If you’re focused on performing then the Push 3 is great. If you’re focused on composition or sound design, the Push 3 is half baked.
For those following this topic, I made the mistake of trading in my Push 2 for Push 3. My previous scripts do not entirely work with the Push 3. I will need to revise some things. However, getting the Push 3 interface buttons to work is generally fine. Getting the Push 3 pads to work as desired is likely complicated. The API for the device is not out yet.
I don’t have a “script”. I have a Max/MSP patch. If you own or want to buy Max/MSP, then I have a patch I can provide.
However, if the demand is there, I may create an app OR a script for the Push2. There is obviously some demand but it will take some time to create a deliverable due to the factor I list in my previous post.
I am on the cusp of buying a Push 2, but I want to use it with Cubase. I have Max/MSP. I intend to use the Push 2 for things other than Cubase as well, but that is my main focus.
Would you mind sending me the patch or a link?
Gladly. Remind me in two weeks. However, the first bit of advice is to download the “jk.push 2” package from the package manager. That may show you the way.