Acabo de adquirir DORICO PRO

Hola a todos soy de Perú, hago partituras desde el 2006, compre Finale, y ahora Dorico, Espero me ayuden a plasmar mis ideas musicales en una partitura, quisiera que los mis mensajes sean leídos.

Hi @Fisdel, this is a great community, full of people willing to help.

When you have a question, just create a new Topic (that creates a thread) with your requests, and a clear description of your issue and what you have already tried to do.
It is mostly better to attach also a screenshot that shows your issue, or even better a Dorico file if you have some more complex situation.

An, if possible, post in English language, so more people will be reached, who can help you to solve your issues.

Here some more information:

And here some information about the trust levels: