Accidental quirk/bug

Hi all -

This is a bit odd - I have managed to fix it by breaking the tie and then making sure that each note on either side does not have the accidental default over-ridden.

Basically - when the notes were tied, both notes showed the sharp. On the panel , accidental was overwritten and "show"chosen. When I went to turn it back to default, the result was the below screenshot.

Obviously it’s because the second G# will be a copy of the first with the default overwritten - however it means that where I’m used to tied notes acting as a single note of a certain length, here they’re treated as separate notes, and there’s no way of hiding that second accidental without first breaking the tie.

Not sure if this is a necessary quirk or a bug! It seems slightly out of keeping with the paradigm…

While you can’t select the second notehead in Write mode without breaking the tie, you could either

  1. Select the whole tied note and go Edit > Reset Appearance or
  2. Switch to Engrave mode, select just the second notehead and switch off its Accidental property.

The question really is why the Accidental was ever set to “Show” in the first place. The Notation Options will almost definitely state that the first instance of an accidental in a bar must show the accidental, so there’s no obvious explanation for that property having been turned on (except, perhaps, if you’d imported MusicXML and left the setting at Preferences > MusicXML Import > Accidental Visibility turned on).

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No - I have yet to touch Music XML with a barge pole. I expect I set it on the first note then hit r to get the second note, forgetting that I’d set it and thus duplicating it. Reset appearance is useful thanks.

If you know you have a half/minim over the barline, just put the caret on the final beat of the bar, type 7 and then your pitch (or pitch and then 7 if you’re using pitch before duration). If you don’t know it’s a half/minim until you get there, use Shift-Alt-Right to lengthen the existing quarter/crotchet by the rhythmic grid value. Hitting R and then going back and tieing is basically the slowest way, and will copy all of the properties as well as the note value and pitch.

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Ah you see, spoken like someone that knows what he wants :slightly_smiling_face: In this case - I created a straightforward crotchet rhythm in G#s and didn’t like it, so first I moved the pitches around, then I changed the rhythm to something a bit more interesting, and at that point tying across the bar was the easiest and quickest way to get what I wanted. Granted, if I was typesetting then I would have just hit 7 to get the minim across the bar.

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