Accidentals over trills

Dorico seems to use default/“intuitive” accidentals over its trills where it thinks it calls for it. I write atonal music and this is a problem. Looked everywhere. Is there a popover code or something similar that will give me control over them?

Can you give us an example of something that Dorico does that you don’t want? Are you using a key sig?

You can adjust the interval of a trill either in the popover when you create it, or via the Properties panel.

Dear Steinberg Staff:
You say I can change the trill interval in the popover . Wonderful news. but you did not tell me HOW to change it in the popover. Please continue.


Here are instructions for how to input a trill:

Here is a comprehensive table of the things you can enter into the ornaments popover to get the exact trill and interval that you want:

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One more thing. in the popover, what will the instruction look like:

trm2 or trM2. or TR-M2/m2. or m2/M2-TR? Knowing exactly what Dorico wants me to write would be very helpful. thanks

m = minor interval
M = major interval.
(this is almost universal across the music industry, and a 10 second experiment would show you the difference)


For example, enter tr m3 for a trill with a minor third interval

To input a trill with a perfect fifth interval, enter tr p5.