Accordions 2 with Dorico

I’ve made an expression map for the VST plugin Best Service Accordions 2. With it, you can write and play back AAA notation for Stradella accordion.


  • With a solo accordion, turn on Independent Voice Playback.
  • Import and load the playback template.
  • Load the attached Kontakt multi preset (accordions2.nkm) in the instance that Kontakt player appears.
  • The playback template will initially assign the right-hand voices to separate channels, but change all right-hand voices to Channel 1. Leave the left-hand voices set to channels 3, 4, and 5.
  • After loading the playback template, save and reload the project. For some reason, the expression map doesn’t work correctly until you do.

How to use:

These playing techniques can be found in the Wind section of the Playing Techniques panel.

  • Use registration changes to change the right-hand registration (optional: hide them and use a text object).
  • Write bass notes in the lowest octave (C2-B2). If you need C3-D3, use a hidden (-12) technique to transpose it down an octave. (Make sure it is the same stem direction.)
  • Write chord notes in the next octave (D3-B3). If you need C4-D4, use a hidden (-12) technique to transpose it down an octave. (Make sure it is the same stem direction.)
  • For chord notes, use M, m, 7, and d playing techniques to play the corresponding chord. Extend the techniques with Alt + Shift + Right arrow to have the same symbol apply to multiple notes.
  • If a chord tone and a bass tone share a stem, suppress playback on the bass note and add it to a hidden third staff (right-click → StaffAdd Staff Below)


  • On the playback side, each bass row corresponds to a single octave (C2-B2 for bass notes, C3-B3 for major chords, C4-B4 for minor chords, etc.) Each chord symbol playing technique transposes its notes by one or more octaves.
  • The Register knob in the Kontakt instance should be mapped to Channel 3.
  • Bass registrations cannot be changed with this VST.
  • Bellows shake can be controlled by changing the Mode to Mode B, setting appropriate CCs, and drawing in the Key Editor, but I have not tested this.
  • The chord symbols have their own Font Style, Accordion Chord Font. You can modify it to your liking.
  • This should also work with Dorico Elements and Dorico SE, except you can’t have a hidden third staff, so any simultaneous bass and chord notes will need to be in separate voices.

Example project, playback template, and expression maps:
Accordions (2.5 MB)

Video demo: