Acoustic feedback "hangs" in Key editor and score editor

When i’m in Score editor or the Key editor (MIDI) and have acoustic feedback on, whenever I select aan event I can hear the note playing,
but it never ends, just as if there is no note-off send to the VSTi. Only way to stop the sound is with MIDI reset command.

Whats happenig?

I never had this issue in Cubase 9.5.

Really nobody has this issue?.

It is now consistent in Cubase 10 in combination with Halion Sonic. Cubase 9.5 does not have the issue.
Any suggestion is welcome.

I have this same problem. Cubase 11 Pro. I just turn off acoustic feedback, find my notes on my midi piano and move them into place. highly annoying and more time consuming.

Hello @dckennerly and welcome to the forum.

I have recently encountered, and then read that some VST developers have not properly implemented Note Off messages. They just ignore them, and instead use Note On, Velocity=0, as Note Off. There is a whole nerd-out we could go into about this and Aftertouch. I am learning about VST development, but I am not prepared at the moment to speak with any authority on the subject, so I won’t.

But if this is the case, a third party VST2 may not be responding to the Note Off that Cubase is sending. (Like some instruments in Kontakt)

As stated, I am only just learning VST3, and not sure this is the correct explanation. But it is one possible explanation. Especially if it happens with a third party plugin, but not with a Steinberg one.