Activation of the Cubase 13 update from Cubase 11.

I have an activated license for Cubase 11 and today I bought an update to Cubase 13, but the Elicenser Control Center does not allow me to activate my license. What am I doing wrong? What am I doing wrong? How do I contact Steinberg support directly?

That’s because starting with Cubase 12 they stopped using the elicenser and switched to their new Licensing system which is dongle free and allows you to install Steinberg products on up to 3 computers. Your eLicense in the screenshot is activated & allows you to run any version 11 or below. But since you’ve already used it to buy an upgrade, you can’t use it for that purpose again.

Search the forum there are lots of posts with links to how the new system works.


Sorry should have looked closer. It appear your original license isn’t there to upgrade in the first place. Was it a soft license or dongle?


In your MySteinberg account, we can see t following licence: Cubase 11 Pro (Grace Period Eligible). That means, you are owner either of Cubase Pro 12 licence or Cubase Pro 13 licence already.

Start Steinberg Activation Manager and in the user menu, click on Grace Period check. Then you will see, which Cubase version do you have the license for.

Then ask for the refund of the update. If you get Cubase 13 already with the Grace Period, you are ready to go. If you got Cubase Pro 12 with the Grace Period, buy the update from Cubase Pro 12 to Cubase Pro 13, please.

I think I’m completely confused. So I launched Grace Period check, after which I received this email:

As far as I understand, now I need to buy an upgrade from version 12 to version 13, and I did it:

Now I open the Steinberg Download Assistant and enter the Download Access Code, but I see this message:

Steinberg activation manager looks like this:

I don’t understand, will Cubase 13 work for me now?


As Cubase Pro 13 is activated, it will work.

It doesnt matter what version your Download Code claims to be giving you. You will get the current version of Cubase at the time you redeem it. If you held on to it and didnt redeem it for another year or so, you may have jumped right into Cubase 14. Thats how they’ve always worked. Looks like you’re ready to go on Cubase 13 now.

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I’m also trying to upgrade from Cubase 11 to 13. What used to be a simple process seems now unfathomable. I did the Grace Period Check thing, and it says “No Licenses Found” even though my e-License is on a dongle and I use Cubase 11 every day. Shouldn’t Steinberg have that info that I’m an owner/user of Cubase 11? I’ve downloaded Cubase 13, but find zero info on the website on how to purchase an upgrade for it. This shouldn’t be a process that requires hours of research. How do i buy and activate the upgrade?

You cant purchase an update to Cubase 13 anymore, 14 is the current version now.

You don’t get a ‘Grace Period’ because you didnt buy anything are not in any ‘grace period’, you are updating a license. The whole process starts on the eLicenser side of things AFTER you buy the upgrade. not before

Go to this site:

Click the red button on the site that reads “Buy Cubase 14” (there are actually two of them).
Next chose the level of Cubase you would like to upgrade to. That will then take you to the shop where you can specify which version you currently have.