I want to be able to make a hotkey or macro to change a single automation point to a specific value (such as zero). The Project LE only has Trim to change the value and ONLY allows to change relative values, not specific. It would be helpful to have a value selection so I can change the value of that automation point to a specific value.
Thanks, this is a workaround, but I was looking for a hotkey / macro solution. I have a touch screen (metagrid) and wanted to be able to just press a button and get the desired value without typing anything.
Is there a way to enter a ‘0’ or another value and simulate pressing enter within the macro?
Do you know of a way to enter a value in a macro when it’s highlighted? Like how you said, but having the macro enter the value not manually entering it?
Yes, I just saw it. Not sure why, maybe it’s a miss. Anyway, you may want to try setting it to 0.0001. Testing here on volume got the automation to -∞.
This needs external handling as far as I know. AutoHotKey and Bome MIDI Translator can be of help, combining the macro suggested by @stingray and then letting the above utilities to enter the value you want plus “Enter”.
@thinkingfield Based upon this and if you wanted to set a volume automation point of almost any value to 0dB (for example)… in PLE you could divide by 0.0001 which would give you a max setting of +12 (most of the time! and assuming you have volume max. set to 12dB in Project Setup) and then nest a second PLE preset in the Post Process commands which uses Trim divide by 1.3364, which cuts the level back down to the target 0dB.
It would look like this:
Thereafter you could nest other PLE presets to increment or decrement the volume in dB steps using the PLE increment and decrement trim functions. It’s awkward but it works on single or multiple automation points and can be triggered by a single command.
I just realized, that this was for a Volume automation, but for other parameters the values would not be the same. Not every paramter is going to be in dB!! So, this is a good workaround for specific cases, but not for general.