Add lyrics to midi file

I am one of the Cakewalk Sonar users who has been affected by the closure of Cakewalk, and have just bought Cubase 9.5. One of the features that Sonar has is the ability to add lyrics to a midi file so that they sync up with a midi melody track (usually Ch 4). The lyrics can then display on some midi players as the midi file is played. Am I able to do this in Cubase? Any help appreciated.

Hi and welcome,

In the Score Editor you can add a Lyrics.

You can also copy your lyrics from a text or word doc and paste from the first note of your score…

Thanks AP. That’s sounding even better news.

Is it possible to have Cubase tracks on one screen and lyrics (.doc, .pdf, .jpg … ) on the other screen at the same time?

Yes, this is possible.

Btw, you can also add a Text to the MIDI Notes, and the text is shown in the Key Editor directly on the MIDI Note Events (if you Zoom In Vertically).

Hi, Martin… Do the phrases attach to notes? How do we add lyrics in the MIdi editor?

Yes, absolutely.

You can’t insert Lyrics in other editor but Score Editor.