Add Track Window Focus Inconsistencies

The window handling has got significantly better with the most recent update - far fewer random windows popping up unexpectedly (although still some!). The add track window, though, despite having focus on instantiation actually doesn’t have full keyboard focus in some/most/all situations.

For example:

Hit T
Add Track window pops up
Hit Enter
Track is added

Hit T, with a clip selected in the project window
Add Track window pops up
Hit Enter
The editor for that clip pops up.

Hit T
Hit Tab
Expected result: keyboard focus moves from track type to the next field in the add track window.
Actual result: nothing happens, and the keyboard focus has now gone back to the project window, even though the add track window is still there with status bar in colour (i.e. it supposedly still has focus).

This is one of a bunch of irritating and inconsistent window focus behaviours that Nuendo still has, and it would be great if something could be done about them :slight_smile: