I have a feature request for cubase, this applies to midi editing grid as well as drum editor and long ignored Beat Designer as well…
I would like to have strong beats or pulses that are defined in metronome be reflected in all drum and note editing surfaces. This makes it easy to see which beat needs to be accented in a midi editor.
Take 7/8 time signature for example.
it can be divided into 2 different sections …
1! 2 3 / 1! 2 3 4 (!= strong beat,… reflected as a vertical bars in midi editors and Beat Designer)
basically following time signature definition and metronome accents. this will help write odd time signature beats as well as even. and accent the beats correctly and would be visually reflected.
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this will help visually represent the core pulse of music one is working on, while creating or editing in different midi editors.
Do you know about the Click Pattern editor?
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